Example sentences of "when [pron] have [vb pp] she " in BNC.

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1 While I was speaking , Miss J. looked out of the window in a sarcastic manner and when I had finished she said ‘ thank you ’ very politely but with rather a sneering look .
2 When I had finished she asked me to place a banknote in front of her and say ‘ lesedi ’ which means ‘ illumination ’ .
3 When , when you 've finished she says , I 'm sure she says you can have all the batteries and they 're all , they 're all Duracell an'all .
4 He would think it funny when she had said she had to hurry if she just went on sitting there , so she got up to go .
5 When she had awoken she had felt wonderfully refreshed .
6 When she had packed she washed Anna 's hands and her own in a basin of cool water , put on their bonnets , and took Anna 's hand to descend the stairs .
7 ‘ I got a taxi , ’ she explained , remembering the odd look the driver had given her when she had confessed she had no idea where she was and wanted to go all the way to London .
8 Just when she had thought she was beginning to get her feelings about Paul into some sort of perspective , the memories came flooding back to haunt her .
9 When she had thought she had felt a tug , her mind corrected .
10 When she had finished she shook her arms , as if trying to dry her hands .
11 When she had finished she turned to Nara , who had just come back with the things she needed and was peering round the door , as if he was too scared of her magic to come right in .
12 When she had finished she sat in the corner of her bedroom and wept .
13 When she had finished she leant against his car , gulping in the cold air .
14 She had never spoken to anyone so openly before , not even her father , and when she had finished she trembled a little with the emotion of it .
15 When she had finished she stroked the letters back into their creases , muttering to herself , ‘ Of course , of course . ’
16 When she had finished she said to Piers , to hide her confusion , ‘ I — I always think how odd it is that turtle soup does n't taste of turtle . ’
17 Maggie thought of John McNair whom Laura had met in Glasgow when she 'd gone to work there , when she 'd decided she wanted to leave home and broaden her horizons .
18 When she 'd said she was worried about her superiors , he 'd felt like telling her that he had her superiors right where he wanted them , but he could n't .
19 She had not exaggerated when she 'd said she felt weary .
20 I said , oh I lo I love it , I lo , I said I know it sounds awful thought no more and then Shirley said to me when she 'd gone she said , she came up to me one day she said I wish to God he 'd stop that bloody noise , this time !
21 When she 'd finished she said she needed some peace and quiet for a while .
22 When she 'd finished she got her bag and anorak , checking that she had enough in her purse for bus fare , and let herself out the kitchen door .
23 When they had gone she went to the phone and she said , ‘ I must see you .
24 But when they had gone she turned and said , If I was going to die tomorrow I should be mad .
25 When they had gone she felt fulfilled , emptied , at peace .
26 When it had gone she turned to watch the white waves roll up the beach then roll back .
27 When he had gone she faced things all over again , glad to have the advice of someone so level-headed .
28 I 'll be seeing him tonight , ’ Joanna promised , and when he had gone she turned to Sophie .
29 When he had begun she had been inclined to send him off or run away herself ; but his determination had kept her listening and she had watched him walk away with his plan — it was more of a plan than a proposal — well lodged in her mind and unexpectedly endearing .
30 She had seen him like this before , the night they 'd met , when he 'd been determined to have his own way ; she 'd seen him like this again , when he 'd announced she was not going to return to Milan …
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