Example sentences of "when [pron] [verb] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I felt terrible when I realised what had happened .
2 He said afterwards : ‘ I left the line-up when I realised I had to stand and shake her hand .
3 ‘ When you said something about the real tragedy for anyone facing a handicap is when expected support is withdrawn , then yesterday at your flat I realised that you thought I 'd walked out on Jennifer when I discovered she had MS .
4 So when I knew I had cancer and was facing death , I still could n't pray to the God I associated with the churches .
5 That was , when I knew I had to come back .
6 It seemed a good idea to have a companion when I knew I had to face a Spanish maniac ! ’
7 It 's personal because when I heard what had happened to young Leakey , I lost my rag .
8 When I heard I had been chosen for the full squad , it was a bit of a shock , but it really was a dream come true . ’
9 ’ Describing to Louise the heroic quest for style that Madame Bovary represents ( April 19th , 1852 ) , he explains : ‘ How many times have I fallen flat on my face , just when I thought I had it within my grasp .
10 When I thought he had finished , I opened them , only to see the plane make a parabola in the sky and dive on me again , firing away furiously in an attempt to eliminate me .
11 When I left I had a bottle of midge-repellent in my pocket , and a loaf of new bread , still warm , in a plastic carrier .
12 I see now why you were so evasive when I said I had n't power of attorney . ’
13 ‘ You did n't believe me when I said I had n't distracted Simon and you would n't have believed me if I 'd told you it was your child I might be carrying , ’ she replied , her voice shaking a little despite all her efforts to project a calm image .
14 ‘ I was n't meaning to be rude when I said you had n't changed . ’
15 When I said you had nothing to fear from me I meant it , young lady .
16 ‘ I was extremely unfair , uncharacteristically , to Mr Kinnock when I said he had n't made his position on PR absolutely plain , ’ said Mr Patten , warming up his audience .
17 When I started I had to right back to the very beginning and start from three letter words .
18 When I joined they had just published The Thorn Birds so Futura was on a real high — it had expanded considerably over the previous 18 months . ’
19 When I explained what had happened on the train he shook his head and said one should never trust the Moors .
20 He had barely answered when I explained what had happened .
21 When I arived he had led his two sisters out and they were standing by the front door .
22 ‘ I was heartbroken when I found I had MS : it seemed the end of all my hopes and dreams , of my career and possibly of marrying and having children . ’
23 ‘ I was very happy when I learned I had got a place at Oxford and my mum still has n't come down to earth yet .
24 I mean when I moved I had stuff in here before the upstairs was used , I had it for about a year or so , before I opened it up .
25 When I emerged I had to borrow a pair of chef 's trousers , ’ he admitted .
26 ‘ Yes , when I auditioned I had n't heard any music with Peter Gabriel . ’
27 Just when you thought you had it all figured out , it threw you a curve like this .
28 ‘ I suppose I assumed you could n't cope with people 's reaction to your breaking up with Jennifer when you learnt she had MS . ’
29 If you did n't think of mentioning this caller to your wife , did n't it even occur to you to mention it to us when you heard what had happened ? ’
30 ‘ So you already had a flight booked when you heard what had happened ? ’
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