Example sentences of "when [pron] [vb -s] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Day will never dawn when everyone has a car — not a free choice in his ( Kimber 's ) case ( wife 's job moved )
2 When someone asks a government for bloodwealth , they not only threaten bloodshed if it is not forthcoming , but do so in an idiom which denies the government 's claim to superiority , puts it on an equal footing , treats it as just another tribe .
3 Individual deterrence occurs when someone commits a crime , is punished for it , and finds the punishment so unpleasant or frightening that the offence is never repeated for fear of more of the same or worse .
4 When someone loses a packet , they just creep silently away . ’
5 When someone eats a snack while mentally absorbed in other things — perhaps a mother grabbing her own meal in between attempts to coax food down a baby , or a viewer eating a TV snack while totally involved in the latest beastly plots of ‘ J.R . ’
6 When someone gets a virus and becomes ill , the helper cells kill off the virus and usually they get better .
7 And that is about what happens when someone leaves a job of their own accord .
8 So what happens when someone leaves a job of their own accord , what happens to their unemployment benefit .
9 On the other hand , there may be moments of real illumination and discovery , when someone makes a comment that springs from a quite different frame of reference from one 's own .
10 I opened a bottle of wine , I know this is a very strange question , but when somebody brings a bottle of wine , do you open that first , or do you open ?
11 I think also on the inherent fault situation , I mean when somebody buys a vehicle the vehicle has to be of a standard obviously and if there are problems there then obviously people appreciate the fact that they can go back and this is really the point of dealing with a reputable dealer from the word go .
12 I am now expected to lift her , helpless as a fool that she is , out of that great bed , daily , across the room , into a chair , and back again , and to run up and down when she catches a chill , when her back aches from being pressed against the chair .
13 The position of a Hindu woman in her marital family becomes vastly more secure when she becomes a mother , especially of male children .
14 Once the baby is settled , make sure the child has some time all to herself when she gets a cuddle and your undivided attention .
15 Look at the start of the play — Catherine is devoted to Eddie and Eddie is kind and even jokes about her independence — this is seen on page 21 , when Eddie says that Catherine will move away when she gets a job ( but this is said without resentment ) and Catherine denies it .
16 Her murder-solving cook Darina Lisle discovers more intrigue when she takes a job at a dying country house hotel that turns out to be a hotbed of sex and mystery .
17 But when she takes a step towards me I find I 've crossed the kitchen to meet her .
18 In a bare tank ( minimum size 10″ x 6″ x 6″ ) , suspend two spawning mops on pieces of cork or polystyrene and place a clump of Java Moss on the tank base for the female to hide in when she requires a respite from spawning .
19 It is possible that the subjective sensation experienced by a female bat when she perceives a male really is , " say , bright red : the same sensation as I experience when I see a flamingo .
20 Each new recruit goes through an AP — or Announcement Party — when she invites a group of family and friends to get rid of her kit — or goods .
21 ‘ There comes a time Jonadab , in every woman 's life , when she needs a man .
22 Now when she needs a hand , Caroline turns to life chance .
23 For instance , an adult female will purr while suckling her kittens and when she courts a male .
24 Jo 's lesbianism is also important to the way she dresses ; she does n't want to look what she calls ‘ too femme ’ , and says that when she wears a skirt she gets a lot more hassle from men .
25 An introduction to Becka and her calf Kitty prompts several questions to Mrs Castle the following day — when she makes a return visit to the children at the Church of England Junior School in Wantage .
26 The nurse brings to the relationship a maturity which permits toleration of frustration if , for example , a patient is not at home when she makes a house call ; or if a patient does not take the prescribed medication ; or removes a dressing or falls out of bed .
27 Her worst fears are confirmed when she finds a list , containing the entry ‘ McFadgeon , Kelly .
28 This Simone has come directly from playing the Dame of pantomime and maintains that character from her very first entrance when she shakes a tablecloth out of the window and then furiously throws every vegetable in sight at Colas because she finds him waiting for Lise .
29 Sylvia 's journey to truth begins when she writes a novel about incest in 1972 , she gave herself a clue in calling the book Pandora .
30 When she encounters a mess , like the ridiculous raid on the Moncada barracks that made Mr Castro 's revolutionary reputation , she does not try to impose sense where there was none .
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