Example sentences of "when [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] that " in BNC.

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1 Eventually she agreed with me that no harm could come from using regression therapy , particularly when I assured her that , should she change her mind at any point , all she had to do was open her eyes and the session would automatically come to an end .
2 When I told them that he was a chemist , one boy asked , ‘ Could n't they get a proper teacher , then ? ’
3 And when I told them that in my country there were millions just like me , they did not believe me , but just smiled .
4 When I told them that I was born in a similar bed and had become a doctor afterwards they were more convinced .
5 When I told them that you 's got about three and mixed up
6 When I told him that if we were to be married I would n't ask my father for a penny he … well , he threw me out . ’
7 When I told him that Howard Moss — whom I never met but whose poetry I greatly admired — had already published several of my poems , Dana appeared surprised and a little put out .
8 A youth tried to sell me a Socialist Worker and seemed confused when I told him that in my experience the words were diametrically opposed .
9 Then when I told him that it takes a man to make a man , he hit me right across the face .
10 When I told him that I would also like to buy a smaller Popova , he objected , ‘ No , I 'm keeping this because it 's small and it can always be hung anywhere , but these big ones … where can they go ? ’
11 He appeared satisfied when I told him that I did n't have a criminal record and shouted for somebody to come and show me upstairs .
12 He laughed back when I told him that I came from a poor barrio in Britain and that we were no longer referred to as people either .
13 ‘ I guess that you have been to see Mrs Laura Lyons , ’ he said , and when I told him that he was right , he went on : ‘ When we put together everything that each of us has discovered , I expect we shall know almost everything about this case . ’
14 When I told him that one of the most important was esparto grass , his grave face lit up , because Faber 's , it appeared , purchased consignments of it to meet their paper needs .
15 When I told him that the van was standard apart from a roll cage he found it even more difficult to accept .
16 The strangest of stories ( And of course when I told her that , she just threw me out of the house , my own Mother … well , Goodnight Mother , I can tell you ) were treated as entirely credible .
17 I do n't think the woman in the New York Avis office believed me when I told her that I wanted to hire a convertible .
18 When I told her that Umbarak was still alive and sometimes visited London , she asked , ‘ Why does he not come to sit with Zayed ? ’
19 But her anger changed to fear when I told her that I was going after Duke Michael .
20 Ellen was in such obvious pain when I left her that people sided with her .
21 Jim deliberately gave out your name to the press as John Amiss when I reminded him that that was your second name .
22 When I reminded him that I had given expert advice and spent time and petrol on his call , he agreed reluctantly that I had a case .
23 When I reminded them that only an hour ago they were saying they did n't fancy any more , they looked genuinely irritated .
24 Marc was saying , ‘ When I gave you that place on your twenty-first birthday , Peter , I foolishly imagined it would help you settle down as you seemed to have no idea what you wanted to do with your life .
25 When you told me that Mrs Lyons was getting a divorce , I realized that she hoped to marry Stapleton .
26 When you told me that Stapleton had owned a school in the north of England , I checked on him and where he had come from .
27 As I understand it , you were continuing the same metaphor when you told me that you wanted me to be a kind of groundsman .
28 She broke down when she told me that her little boy ( now six years old ) had asked every year to be taken to see Father Christmas in a nearby store , and every year she had had to disappoint him .
29 ‘ Was she lying , then , ’ Miss Honey said , ‘ when she told me that nobody taught her to multiply or to read ?
30 I tried to look pleased when she told me that Prentice had been ringing at half-hourly intervals since mid-afternoon and had left a multiple-choice list of numbers where I could get him that evening .
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