Example sentences of "when [noun] [verb] [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 When Marc spoke it was on another topic altogether .
2 They could hardly believe it when Mum said it was tea-time .
3 Ernest Bevin was in the chair when Vyshinsky inquired what was happening concerning a peace settlement with Japan and proposed that the assembled foreign ministers should proceed with it .
4 For example , when Perk disappeared she was wearing a yellow dress and it was only after the second time that I realised the significance of Gail ( Perk 's older sister ) finding a yellow ribbon in Mr Elder 's ( the lodger ) drawer .
5 Just as well you agreed to go quietly when Kenneth suggested it was time you went to bed ; though apparently he and Hamish practically had to carry you upstairs , and the whole way up you were muttering something vile about Lewis being thrown naked into a tub of starving Elephant Leeches . ’
6 But Jinny could tell from his voice that he knew the answer already , and when Doyle replied it was with a nod .
7 When Mo said she was in favour of overhauling the system , Sharon asked : ‘ How ?
8 When Edward abdicated there was an immediate crisis .
9 He says they were very shocked when Gore announced he was leaving because of illness .
10 When peace came he was one of the committee of six who , having co-opted a further six , devised the settlement : the Dictum of Kenilworth of 31 October 1266 .
11 What was now essential , he believed , was the development and promotion of the principles which would enable democratic forces throughout Europe to ensure that when peace returned it was built on secure foundations .
12 When Kee saw what was happening , he became terribly angry .
13 When evening came I was afraid I could n't trust her , because I did n't know how much you suspected , what clever questions you might have to get at the truth . ’
14 They were in Monaco , the home of poseurs , and when Keke said he was fed up , Niki could say , ‘ That makes two of us . ’
15 I felt extremely loved when Phil said he was delighted to hear it . ’
16 When Bodo saw I was in trouble , he said ‘ We 'd better turn round and go out the other way .
17 When conversions occurred it was not Peter who was involved in baptising but his team ( Acts 10:48 ) .
18 When Paige awoke it was still early , not long past dawn , and she was alone in the sleeping-bag .
19 A murmur crossed the room like a wave when Blanche revealed she was seeking a man called Mr Kennedy , who had been due to meet Nicola Sharpe at nine o'clock on the night she was murdered .
20 When Willie awoke it was still very dark .
21 Do you know , when television came it was the biggest event in our lives , for women .
22 This must have been when Parkin said he was out on the roof having a smoke , Dexter concluded .
23 When morning came he was in pain and not best pleased .
24 When morning came she was too ill with the poison to move and despite her weak protests he told her he would watch over her , for no eagle should be prey to gull or crow .
25 When Brian braked I was first out of the Land Rover .
26 Graham was standing by his window , staring out over the roof of the Comet Building across the street , and when Mike saw who was sitting at Graham 's desk , he had to make a strong effort not to show his surprise .
27 For a moment they were disappointed when Denise realised it was in fact the same car as one already written down .
28 When Moore announced he was fighting cancer , he vowed to work on as usual .
29 For just when Gabriel thought he was rid of the devil-man , he saw them arguing at a distance , father and daughter ; Izzie pointing back towards the cart , Lucie shaking his head ; Izzie tugging on his arm , pleading , and her father pushing her away .
30 When Sara woke it was light , the bright light of late morning .
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