Example sentences of "said well [pers pn] 'll [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I would have thought if she would have sat in the chair , I mean well she could n't go the week aha I do n't young enough yeah , about a month ago she just peed of somewhere and some , I do n't know , she 's alright , I said yes she 'll be alright , I said I 'm going to start cooking so she said I got to take these Heather , I said well they 'll travel better in there , your father said you know Jane he said if you 'd given her a hand
2 So , so so I said well we 'll go to the N E C or Sheffi she said oh I 'm not traipsing all that way , you know , just for the concert .
3 Well they said well we 'll go back on Thursday and he said we 've been round everywhere , he said , the thing is we do n't know the area cos everyone
4 For a start when she was talking about fish and chips she said well we 'll pop along in the car and get them from Moor Road cos they have nice er chips there but then , being as Tony had had a drink he would n't drive so
5 I said oh I hope she has n't got another bus so Sharan said I think there is two buses cos whenever I meet mum it 's always a little blue bus and this was a big orange I said well we 'll call at the shop I said and if erm not we 'll have to go home .
6 Steve mentioned , you know , to put fifteen , twenty pounds a month into it erm and you said well we 'll come back to that later which I think on the face of it is probably er a right way of going about it cos you did n't get interrupted at that stage talking about a specific product so I think that was er that was good .
7 you know , erm , I said well we 'll take them a little something home .
8 Yeah , I said yeah I am , I said I 'm gon na drive up and see , so we got in , went up to Wendy 's , you could n't see through the door Pen , Penny and Kev said well we 'll drive round as well , I said well she 's had us up and down , cos one minute she was quite strong then the next she could n't cope , I said Wendy all I want you to ever know is that I 'm there , if ever you want me phone me , I do n't care whether it 's middle of the night , middle of the morning or whatever , so she says alright , anyway Penny went up , she said she could n't see anything she thinks she 's gone a bed and then me and Rudy went up , it must have been quarter to one cos I took him for a little walk and I got out the car and walked round the back and then , I could see her curtains were open and I could see a light on , so I went round the front and I shouted through the letter box , Wen it 's only me I 've come to wish you a happy new year , let's hope next year will be better than this one and she come to the door and she was broken hearted
9 Well I says are you gon na clamp me or he said well we 'll tow you away he said !
10 Well they said what you having for tea and I said well we 'll have to have you can have a few beans or something
11 So I thought well in case I ca n't get them anywhere else the market and he said well we 'll have one from here , twelve ninety nine .
12 and the men came , delivered the new ones and erm , one of them , er oh you said would you take the old one and they said , yeah , fine you know , dad said well it 'll take both of you , oh no , no , I can do that , he could n't even lift it you know cos they were so solid and two of them had a heck of a job did n't they ?
13 because he could n't get to there you see so I said well it 'll have to go now , well we 've got it shifted and it 's thrown away and , and that 's the end of that , so I says now when she does decide to come and she wants to be in here , well I said she 'll just have to carry a mattress in , and that 'll be alright just for her to sleep on
14 on the thing and I said well he 'll have to be fucking stretched if they come to that door and none of them dishes and the best of it was the front door would n't open
15 Steven thinks that just be I only just got in he said , I 'm having my tea and he said there 's no way I 'm gon na do nothing like that at this time of night when I 've been fourteen hours at work So then he stormed off back home again so he said well you 'll have to move it cos it 's obstructing the dual carriageway someone might come round that corner fast and hit it .
16 they want somebody to go down so we could have but a bit but , mum cos he said well you 'll have to wait a while !
17 And I said well you 'll have an interest to keep it clean I mean I 'm sure you just do it out of necessity when it 's not your furniture .
18 who would administer all the drugs etc , erm , they come in and they said right just take a sit Joy and you know make yourself comfortable , I said oh fine and I sat , sat in the chair said well I 'll sit with these for me dining room and I 'll have four for me bedroom and
19 He says an which he says you 've worked so hard , cos I worked for two casters which I should n't have done really , but that 's how I were used to working you see and er , he said er , I said well me dad keeps asking me to go and work for him , and he said well I 'll tell you what I 'll do with you , he says you 've worked so hard for us , this bloke came from Bloxford you know He says you 've worked so hard for us , he said we 'll agree to you going with your father , er for a month and see whether you like it , and if you do n't like it , come back and we 'll give you your job back .
20 I said well I 'll tell you who you wan na make up I said er yeah I know I said you wan na make somebody like up I said cos er I think wrote the book .
21 Well I sa I said can he contact you later and he says well no not really , I said well I 'll tell him to give you a ring in the day some time tomorrow .
22 That was it , because Edith was going on another holiday and she was er , she wanted someone to go and visit er Lilly , and I said well I 'll go .
23 He said no , so I said do n't lie to me yes you did , I said you just said you did n't know if he kicked her or not , and this argument went on , Danny ended up in tears and I ended up really angry so I said well I 'll go down then , leaving all the kids screaming fuming , but he actually knocks on the door now .
24 She said well I 'll go and get you one .
25 So anything I could offer that would be nice , oh she said I do n't know , now , but I 'll tell you when you come this afternoon and so that she told me there was around five or six o'clock and it was too late so I said well I 'll go on Monday morning , but they er were all closed on Monday morning .
26 So she said well I 'll go out then and she 's lives in a massive great she 'll say to come back , so and stuck there , well poor old Margaret .
27 So she said well I 'll change it she said because I tell you why , we send them back every , every so long , often .
28 he said well I 'll fax it back cos the agreement
29 and said well I 'll do an extra shift , I 'll do an extra week shift if you give me my job back it 's a shame
30 But anyway she had , he had this nice cap so I said to him , you know , can I have it and he said no it 's sentimental and I said well I 'll do anything
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