Example sentences of "said to i [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Somebody once said to me they think it 's really rude if they did n't bring wine to a , to a dinner party and then they do n't have to have to drink it .
2 said to me I 've of told you to take half an hour so actually
3 when we found his glasses and that and things they were all buried and , and Peter said to me I 've got this of John 's , I brought Jonathan 's , I could n't care less as long as I 've got John you know
4 I 'm not having it er she did n't do the , when she said to me I want to speak to you about it , she said , you know , she was n't involving me at all was she ?
5 Touching my shoulder she said to me I want all the ones , all the ones .
6 he said to me I need a .
7 Julia did n't care a sod about that kid , she 'd let her to scream on , stand in the middle of the garden screaming , indoors screaming and she said to me I have no feelings for her whatsoever but she took the bloody money every week and this is what 's so wrong , nobody knows how she er was as that child , only people like us who would hear
8 You see I put me poster up in the window and then me flipping dad said to me I do n't know whether you should have that poster up , what if Miss is around , Conservative , so I bloody took it down and put it in a magazine , I thought when we 've got
9 Well he says , said to me I do n't know why you 're going to keep , er th to slimming thing cos you , because I ca n't tell no difference with you .
10 a lovely course for re reflexology and one day , I went to Shambrook College and he said to me you 've got , you 've got a great feeling with your hands he said , you , you , you 'd make a good reflexology , but the courses were in Luton
11 and er yeah and the doctor said to me you 've got hypochondria
12 Someone said to me you take three years to mourn .
13 they live in the , a beautiful house , a little house , old , very old and erm they always said there was a secret passage underneath and my , my uncle er used to er he used , he named , he named some locks , my uncle did a till lock and when I star began to work there er they were called Salmon Baits and er Mr said to me you know he said er it 's your un they used to call him Trot , my uncle , it 's your uncle Trot that named them and I said was it and it was a till lock and they could n't get them right er they were having trouble with these particular till locks , and er my uncle said to Mr when he went around they were having trouble and he said , all these locks all these things are good for a bait for Salmon and then they were called Salmon Bait and they were traded as Salmon Bait so
14 I mean when yo , always up there , I think it 's the electrician when he was doing the he said to me you know , you 've got a lot of condensation in your loft .
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