Example sentences of "said that [subord] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But he said that before I said why was Michelle able to come in between you and Karen .
2 She agreed , but said that before he began work with Brian Harley — after the Safari circuit but before the European Tour began — he had gone off for several days ’ training .
3 Today the owners of the horse were unavailable for comment but their solicitor said that while they accepted the horse broke loose they do not accept liability and are disputing any claim the horse caused the boys ' injuries .
4 He said that while he viewed the ‘ inner circle ’ story as nonsense , the allegations could not be ignored and he had asked Mr Stevens to investigate .
5 But Mr McCausland said that while he welcomed the extension of the ban , he felt it should be extended even further .
6 But Washington said that while it had prior knowledge of the plot hatched by three disaffected officers , it did not actively back it .
7 Derek Edwards , speaking after the Place of Safety orders were extended , said that although they had all more or less expected this to happen , it was another blow for the parents .
8 We stopped again to buy olive oil and garlic , for Lili said that although she had vowed not to interfere she was going to cook dinner and , while my mother would complain , she would be grateful in the end .
9 Credit Suisse said that although it had been decided that none of the managers could represent the bondholders , it would be advising them and providing them with information .
10 John Nutting , prosecuting , said that although he said nothing to detectives after his arrest , with a lock knife in his hand , they later found a chilling message daubed on his police cell wall .
11 The Shah acknowledged to Hollingworth that he had perhaps become too remote from his people and that is courtiers had not always reported adverse criticisms to him , And he said that although he had earlier hoped that his stay abroad would be brief , he knew now that he would die in exile .
12 Deputy manager of communication services at the Hotel , Catering & Institutional Management Association , Tim Knowles , said that although he welcomed the directive , it still needed a lot of work in its present form .
13 She said that once he became really chatty and told her : ‘ This coffee tastes like washing-up water . ’
14 When the man eventually got home that day he told the assembled villagers of our meeting , and my warning , and said that after he had watched me go round a bend in the road a hundred yards away he started to light the cigarette I had given him .
15 Throckmorton said that after he had spoken in the House against the Act in Restraint of Appeals , he had been praised by Fisher and two other clerics , Nicholas Wilson and Richard Reynolds [ qq.v. ] , who told him that he need not persevere with such speeches if they seemed to have no effect , but that his example might be of value to others .
16 He said that after he came back from Margaret 's funeral , to which she did n't go , she seemed quite stunned and sat staring in front of her , and saying ‘ I 've lost my man ’ , over and over again .
17 She said that after he raped her , he forced part of his hand into her , causing pain , and threatened to use the truncheon .
18 Everybody said that after I had Louisa I got a lot older , more mature .
19 ‘ They said that unless he backed out of the deal , they 'd kill him . ’
20 I said that whereas it does make sense to talk of being mistaken about presentation appearances it does not make sense to talk of being mistaken about perceived-as appearances .
21 you know and I said that so I put that on , he said and what you actually want them to collect
22 The magistrate said that though he acknowledged that Dad was a peaceful , law-abiding citizen who had never had any trouble with the police and who held strong religious beliefs , there were nevertheless times ‘ when people do get angry and tell lies . ’
23 Bob said that cos I do n't need to know .
24 Pat said that until she heard that , she had n't realized just how anti-women her brother was .
25 ‘ My husband said that if we got 50 per cent back it would be something but this is very good news , ’ said Mrs Lee .
26 Comrade Stokes said that if we took no action the Progressive Party would .
27 Another contributor said that if we asked ourselves the question : ‘ Do the agencies discriminate against West Belfast ? ’ , the answer had to be ‘ yes ’ .
28 The Government said that if we worked hard and trimmed down we would survive .
29 So then I got back on to Gwyllam and said that if we provided our own caravan , would you someone there be willing to do the from site to site and he said that would n't be a problem .
30 Somebody once said that if we do n't history we 're condemned to repeat history , and God forbid if that were erm to happen .
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