Example sentences of "said [pers pn] do not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 when you said I do not say in the absence
2 Can I reiterate what he he actually said in a meeting with Calum er Carole Degucht er last year er he said I do y the honourable , my honourable friend said I do not see that uniformity means adopting a system of proportional representation and I 've yet to see a good case as to the merits of different states adopting the same procedure .
3 When I said I did not have the sum he drew me even further into a corner .
4 I said I did not know — I did n't know what I was letting myself in for .
5 He was very drowsy , and as I had no intention of letting him wake himself up with a conversation on my private life or anything else , I said I did not believe in mixing business and pleasure , and , as I hoped , the cliché put him to sleep .
6 And I felt and I said I did not kill her and I was the murderer and Shameer said check hit me but she did n't it felt like a hit and you do n't accidentally do that do you ?
7 In Matthew chapter nine , in verse thirteen Jesus said I did not come to call the righteous but sinners .
8 ‘ Unfortunately , his personal secretary said she did not think he could become actively involved , but I am writing to the Prime Minister Mr Major and George Howard , the Environment Secretary , seeking their support . ’
9 Slim Annette , who weighs just eight and a half stones , said she did not fulfil everyone 's idea of a dame .
10 Blanche smiled and said she did not mean that , but the reference to Colombian cocaine barons and the mafia .
11 She said she did not want him staring at her , she wanted a bit of her life to herself ; without having to share it with Randolph Ash .
12 She said she did not want any fuss , that she was fine , and everyone over there has been marvellous . ’
13 Mrs Knight said she did not want to part with her belongings but was ‘ dumbfounded ’ by Bruce 's actions .
14 She said she did not want any birthday presents unless they could be enjoyed by everyone , so her friends spent £500 on young trees and got permission to plant them around the town .
15 Sinead , 25 , who has donated her £500,000 Hollywood home to charity , said she did not regret tearing up the picture .
16 Frederica said she did not make associations between colours and other systems like alphabets or days of the week .
17 Relating that to Labour 's ‘ unprecendented mass conversion ’ to moderation in Brighton last week , Mrs Thatcher said she did not believe her opponents now stood for home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude .
18 The widow of another exUDR man allegedly murdered with Casey 's help said she did not believe the allegations .
19 She said — she said she did not understand a word you said , either of you . ’
20 Coun. Mrs Town said she did not see the difference between a severe hardship permit and a special badge , and accused the council officers of ‘ just playing with words ’ .
21 She said she did not accept under-fives at school received true nursery education as they had inadequate resources and the pupil-teacher ratio could be three times that at nursery schools .
22 Lawyers said she did not have a good relationship with the father and the prospect that he may return to the family home prompted her action under the 1989 Children Act .
23 She said she did not report the rape because he had destroyed her faith in the police force .
24 Rosemary who had a caesarian operation just four months earlier , said she did not touch Carssier She told the tribunal , just look at me !
25 When she said she did not know ( which was true , for a long time ) they did not believe her .
26 Last night a Liverpool spokeswoman said she did not know Souness 's precise plans for today .
27 Rain said she did not know .
28 When Mr Leckey asked whether the fact Moore telephoned her three times before the killings and once afterwards showed there was ‘ something special in the relationship ’ , she said she did not know why he called .
29 And in fact , though perhaps it is shocking to admit it , we took some advantage of this dreadful argument during the campaign : we said we did not want to bring personalities into the election , but of course it was important that members of the Council should be responsible people who would not take advantage of their ‘ special position ’ .
30 Then came the day of joy when doctors at Newcastle upon Tyne General Hospital said they did not expect any more problems .
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