Example sentences of "said [pron] [modal v] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 And at school they said I would make a good teacher .
2 ‘ I always said I would buy a Harley when I had enough money , ’ said the left-back .
3 So I said I 'll have a couple of th they I said .
4 Two people come now doing the water , the the stop cap and one fellow looked across coo he said a big , I said I 'll have a run a over the left I said , now you would n't would you ?
5 I said I 'll have a owt
6 He said , now go to go to your section house get a sports jacket or something , and go with this police officer , he said I 'll get a police van , he said go with this police officer to Liverpool Street Station , he said and take charge of this prisoner while he gets a ticket , for Ipswich .
7 Yeah when I get my printer mum said I could write a book .
8 Old Crumwallis said I could have a glass of sherry .
9 He said I could murder a roll up I said could you ?
10 ‘ Me mum said I should do a show concentrating on Paul 's work , ’ says Paul ( left ) .
11 I said I 'd prefer a man because women were a problem area for me and I was frightened I 'd push the therapist into a certain role by flirting with her if she was young and attractive , or feeling dependent on her if she was my mother 's age .
12 I said I 'd love a cup of tea , which was surprisingly true .
13 I said I 'd like a break , spend a week with aunty Mary or summat in that flat , driving me
14 She said I 'd have a real good time here — playing sports and sleeping in the dorm with all the other boys .
15 Yeah , I said I 'd have a go and before I knew where I was I got got top billing .
16 That 's what she said , she said you 'll want a
17 Julie Oldfield ( from the MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ) phoned : I have faxed her a copy of Dinamation 's letter for information and confirmed shoot times at 1630 to 1730 on Wednesday ; she was worried about the amount of equipment you might be bringing in 4 vehicles — you said you would have a camera and one light .
18 If the Iraqis oppose the landing in contravention of the latest U N Security Council resolution demanding re-supply of diplomats , then the official said you would have a classic pretext for war .
19 ‘ But you said you 'd stay a week , ’ said Perdita in horror .
20 Just stick to your argument that the dealer said you 'd make a certain profit .
21 Right you you said you 'd prefer a white head rail did n't you ?
22 ‘ You said you 'd read a lot about them . ’
23 She said you 'd need a little break after all this bother . ’
24 ‘ You said you 'd have a room prepared for me , Nicolo .
25 So anyway she comes along into the dark pet and she said oh heck she said you must have a power cut along here I ca n't see nothing
26 He took me out last Sunday and I said as we were driving over to Lavenham , I said an early would be much appreciated , I said I cooked the Sunday Lunch for my lodgers , but I have n't , in fact , had any myself he said you 've got to have a high tea , he said you must have a proper meal and he ordered up salad and a a ham salad and have this and have that and have the other , where as some of them like this chap Gerald who was erm sent me by one of the other agencies the first time we went out he took me to a meal and he obviously felt that quite enough , after that he used to come out to see me after he 'd had his meal meanness , hanging onto money !
27 Jack said you could hide a small army in the various wardrobes around the house .
28 So , because we were in the A A he said you could have a ba , and we had to go to court , we had a summons for court , for careless driving , your dad and your dad said oh so A A said you could have barrister , or our insurers said we could have a barrister our insurers , not the one with we 're with now Norman , he was to do all the , said we could have this barrister and it was at Liverpool Crown Court and , it was n't till a , and I was alright we we just got a bit of a shock , you know , we could drive the home it was the wing and what not .
29 I have asked a couple of guys at the college you know and one fellow said the tray , oh he said , you can buy this tray from a builders , oh he said you can make a , a cover and I said oh god , make it the same colour as the mat and the er
30 And I said , what you on about ? , he said if I do , if I do n't pay out two hundred and odd pound now that left for our tickets he said , I 've only hundred and odd come in , he said you can have a drink on the rest !
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