Example sentences of "do n't know where [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't know where 'e 's gon na get the money from , ’ Nellie snorted .
2 I , I used to drive Sheena , but I can safely say that I live on the A seventy seven , aggression is equally as bad as drinking driving , because you see it happening on that road every day , aggression they cut out they cut in , you do n't know where their coming from , er at least a drunken driver tries to go straight and make 's the mistake
3 And those who do n't know where their luck comes from :
4 In fact , they should n't let them , cos they do n't know where their dogs are gon na go do they ?
5 ‘ They get on a bus and they do n't know where they 're going to . ’
6 ‘ Folk do n't know where they are with you .
7 You do n't know where they 've been before they came into your kitchen .
8 ‘ I 'm looking for my children , I do n't know where they are . ’
9 What I do is n't singing about myself , I kinda make up these little stories , I do n't know where they come from …
10 I do n't know where they live . ’
11 I do n't know where they went , but Mrs McDougall at the post office could probably tell you , if you wanted to get in touch again .
12 The trouble is I do n't know where they went afterwards .
13 I do n't know where they ?
14 I do n't know where they was actually , somewhere on The Chase I think but I 'm not sure where I 'm not sure where they come from .
15 I do n't know where they are .
16 They walked off and I do n't know where they are .
17 That is just an attitude , and I do n't know where they get that from .
18 I do n't know where they come from , they 're breeding .
19 And er I I do n't know where they 've gone now but I had some lovely photographs of these flats .
20 She tried a smile , showing her teeth , ‘ You do n't know where they went ? ’
21 It 's difficult to know which country the cocoa comes from because you do n't know where they buy it .
22 I do n't know where they got my name , or why they thought I was suitable material for their article . ’
23 Again , I do n't know where they got their information from but I confirmed that the DEA had been running controlled deliveries through Cyprus while I was there and that its operations had been wide open from a security point of view .
24 No , we do n't know where they 've gone .
25 I do n't know where they went , to these aerodromes or not , I should think so
26 " I do n't know where they keep the spades , " Robert stood , hopeless and static , his bulk exaggerated by his suit of plus-fours and his tasselled stockings .
27 ‘ I do n't know where they are .
28 ‘ Six potential murderers , and you do n't know where they are ?
29 ‘ I know how women hate trying to dress when they do n't know where they 're going , ’ he said , as though that explained it all .
30 I am just appalled that it 's so easy , obviously , to get into these er accounts and and the health records as well , er I mean there really bright here , Mr has no criminal record , I do n't know where they went for that , it 's true , it 's nice to have it er made public but er where did they go to get that information ?
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