Example sentences of "do not want to [be] " in BNC.

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1 They do not want to be in the position of having to make decisions .
2 ‘ We accept that some of the gypsies , the traditional travellers , do not want to be settled and wish to remain mobile .
3 The bigger nations , for their part , have already developed systems of takeover supervision , and do not want to be encumbered with another layer of M&A bureaucracy .
4 We do not want to be handing our paper profits back to the Government . ’
5 Most of our local people do not want to be tied into packages , ’ says assistant manager Tracey Johnson .
6 And while they force you to be what you do not want to be , they are also teaching you how to be parents .
7 You do not want to be hungry .
8 Some of the things we have listed ( such as Weetabix or baked beans ) have sugar in them anyway so ideally you do not want to be adding even more sugar to breakfast meals .
9 The only times I do not want to be a writer are when I want to be a painter , and the only times I want to be a painter are when I am taken by the cast or mobility on a person 's face .
10 I really , strongly do not want to be ruled by such people — people with America 's political correctness , but without the American love of liberty ; people with the Continent 's dirigisme , but without a Continental breadth of culture ; people with a modern metropolitan 's contempt for his own country 's traditions , but a bumpkin 's ignorance of economics .
11 This person does not want to be meddled or interfered with in this state ; everything is a burden and they do not want to be disturbed .
12 Do not worry that you are being judgemental — we do not want to be judged for the pride we see in ourselves .
13 HEAVEN is my witness that I do not want to be unfair to British Telecom , so I must , with frank and honest gaze , report that I have had several letters saying that I am up the pole in carrying on about the method of charging recently mentioned in this column .
14 HI FI enthusiasts who do not want to be involved in new-fangled digital technology now have a fresh analogue controversy to get their teeth into .
15 They do not want to be reminded of their own ageing by the evident blooming of youth at such close quarters .
16 Many women , especially if they have a lesbian or feminist identity , do not want to be part of the male power structure that the male-dominated homophile groups have : those women with a commitment to women tend to form their own groups .
17 But even this can be dangerous because we are all growing , changing humans who do not want to be ‘ taken for granted ’ .
18 But in the business of everyday life , in our self-absorption which at times takes over , the request for attention may feel intrusive just when we do not want to be intruded upon .
19 She quite understandably declares that many people do not want to be ‘ involved in this unpleasantness ’ .
20 And although Claire says that she likes the idea that they are women and promotes that image , they do not want to be seen as a peculiarity .
21 In general , smokers do not want to be patronised with compulsory anti-smoking meetings during working hours , or ‘ ghettoised ’ in cramped and dirty ‘ sin bins ’ at the ends of disused corridors .
22 They do not want to be heard to complain .
23 Mr Winterton added : ‘ I do not want to be bitter or vindictive .
24 I do not want to be seen as a liability to you .
25 People do not want to be led by someone moaning that the press is unfair .
26 Presidents , naturally , do not want to be seen to condone the taking of drugs ; the public temper is for stiff penalties and the locking up of offenders , not tender care .
27 Some of these children are saying that they are not black or that they do not want to be associated with other black people .
28 It is not as though we do n't want to love these innocent victims or that they do not want to be loved , but guilt and bitterness prevent it — the guilt of all parties .
29 If they do not want to be held responsible for ‘ increasing racial tension ’ on the street , or the shop floor , they had better do x , y , or z .
30 But our sons now do not want to be like us . "
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