Example sentences of "do not [vb infin] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I do not think it had occurred to anybody in court at this time that Waddell 's conviction would be anything but a foregone conclusion .
2 Secondly , I do not think it does a college principal any harm to operate in a different framework , see how others organise themselves and bring a principal 's view to bear upon validation exercises — and possibly upon SCOTVEC itself !
3 It is the doing of one or more acts which individually or collectively amount to such adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner 's rights which constitute appropriation under section 3(1) and I do not think it matters where there is more than one such act in which order the successive acts take place , or whether there is any interval of time between them .
4 I take the view that , having regard to the recitals and to the terms of the order , one can read into the order itself the element of compromise , but again I do not think it is important for the decision of this case ; because the compromise , if compromise it was , was between the plaintiffs and Jack Bernardout , and I do not think it enures for the benefit of Joseph Bernardout , the defendant in these proceedings .
5 I have never completely resolved my own dilemma , for I do not think it has a simple resolution .
6 It is clear from our analysis in the previous section that we do not expect the strange invariant set produced at r 13.926 to be stable and we do not expect it to show up in numerical simulations ; the behaviour described in ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) above ( r } 13.926 ) can not be predicted from the purely local analysis .
7 A heated propagator will maintain a higher temperature than the ambient air , but do not expect it to achieve a lift of more than about 10°C ( ie , if you wish to maintain 21°C/70°F , the greenhouse should be heated to 10°C/50°F ) .
8 If you have come with a particular ache or pain , do not expect it to disappear straight away .
9 I ca n't say that we 'll approve every one , but obviously we know that if you introduce a general charge there will be people for whom you do not want it to affect unfairly .
10 We do not want it to happen .
11 They do not want it diminished by the Bill .
12 Grilled Dover sole ( not buttery ) , be assertive about any plain grilled white fish , tell the waiter that you do not want it served swimming with butter .
13 Those who stress sisterhood rather than equality value a great deal in women 's distinctive approach as it now is ( and has been in societies much less egalitarian than ours ) and do not want it lost in the melting-pot of assimilation .
14 Another speaker warned that children with disabilities were not being protected from abuse because people do not believe it occurs .
15 I welcome the Bill , but I do not believe it goes far enough .
16 I include due process as a separate virtue because I do not believe it collapses into either of the others as I describe these , but my arguments in this and the following chapters will pay much more attention to fairness and justice , and I shall mainly ignore procedural due process . )
17 Although the draft PPG purports to elaborate on the concepts of town-centre vitality and viability , we do not believe it provides a sufficiently clear explanation to avoid lengthy debates at public inquiries over these terms .
18 PARKS : I do not believe it befits the Committee to force me to do this .
19 Uses for the foam or suggested ones , are for keeping bank vaults safe and for applying pesticides to crops without polluting the air , I do not see it catching on .
20 If you feel this way do not let it go very long without confessing it .
21 The past could be in evidence today , but do not let it stop you making progress along your chosen route .
22 Do not let it distract you again , ’ and he pulled her towards him .
23 Do not let it happen to you also . ’
24 Do not let it boil !
25 Carry your forward guard well out from the body but do not allow it to cross your own centre-line .
26 Do not allow it to become too hot or the mixture will cook and not expand properly .
27 Keep the content of each effect simple — do not allow it to contain too many different elements at once .
28 Do not use it to spread anti-Polonism . ’
29 And they do not need it spelt out how important it is to promote Orlando 's image as a safe and healthy resort .
30 Although they do not need it to fight they are usually armed with a big club made from a tree trunk .
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