Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [vb infin] [adv prt] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Thus ( 61 ) will be true , on this account , just in case there is some reference time ( say , another event ) prior to CT , such that at that reference time , ( 62 ) would have been true ( while ( 62 ) is in turn true , just in case ( 63 ) would have been true at some point prior to the CT of ( 62 ) ) : ( 6z ) John had seen Mary ( 62 ) John saw Mary ( 63 ) John sees Mary But such M-tenses do not match up simply with L-tenses , for L-tenses nearly always encode additional aspectual and modal features too ( see Comrie , 1976a ; Lyons , 1977a : 703ff , 809ff ) .
2 When the two do not match up there is pressure either to revise the blueprints or to change the environment .
3 There are effectively no vibrational selection rules , so the technique is particularly useful for detecting vibrations that do not appear in either IR or Raman spectra .
4 Do not sit back too comfortably in your chair : this can look very complacent .
5 The sad fact is that many of these ‘ irruptive ’ birds spend their last days in the islands , because if they do not move on immediately while they still have the strength , the more time they spend searching for what is n't there , the less chance there is of their being able to make another long sea crossing .
6 Although we must respond to the offence , we must avoid the ’ Something must be done ’ syndrome and ensure that we do not lash out wildly in some public relations exercise .
7 In particular , areas like Knowsley and Tower Hamlets , which contain vast tracts of the poorest council housing , do not show up as especially in need of redistributional funding under the formulae used in the assessment of GRE .
8 Recent authors , mentioned above , distinguish between Stein 's German action and Walter 's Viennese action because in detail their escapements do not function in quite the same way .
9 The wise man in Proverbs twenty seven , he says , do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day may bring forth .
10 There could well be some of this between a male and female as they pair , but if they do not settle down then you can assume they are both males .
11 They do not fit in readily with any contemporary ideology or with the manifesto of any established political party .
12 He says that automatic alarms that warn of radioactivity on clothes have been ‘ arbitrarily ’ adjusted so that the alarms do not go off too often .
13 Note that elements of unc do not go in twice .
14 He said he was very heartened to hear the comments of those taking part ; all felt they had to finish as a matter of pride — they do not give up easily in Gawthorpe .
15 ‘ Those bastards do not give up so easily , eh ?
16 There are radiators in the attic but they do not give out much warmth .
17 This argument misses the point that Freud 's notion of instinct is a link concept between the bio-physical and the experiential — geese do not experience in precisely the same sense as human beings do .
18 As the fibres of the nets are synthetic they do not break down so this dreadful destruction continues .
19 That may sound a bit over the top , but do not tune out yet .
20 Again certain kidney abnormalities arise because cell sheets that form tubes do not connect up correctly .
21 ‘ I take it so much to heart , ’ he mourned , ‘ that I do not get on better . ’
22 As for your complaint that you do not get out enough , I can not see how you can justify it .
23 He replied that he could not come right away , to which the foreign minister , Ibrahim Yazdi , replied , ; Mr Farhad Sepabhodi , I can not listen to our statements.If you do not come back immediately , very serious action will be taken against you . "
24 If a black and a white person mate , their children do not come out either black or white : they are intermediate .
25 Owing to the depth and reverberation of the sound of the bass drum , rhythmical figures , unless very slow , do not come out clearly , but the roll is quite often used and is especially effective pp , when it imparts to the ensemble a ‘ shuddering ’ effect akin to that produced by a 32- or 64-foot organ-pipe .
26 Sometimes , with the best of intentions , the words do not come out quite right .
27 These artists clearly stand close to the Pioneers and are attempting to adapt black-figure to the new movement , with some success : crowded compositions , figures overlapping each other or the borders or cut off by them , vigorous drawing with rather slap dash incision ; but the elaborate fore shortenings and musculature are not much attempted and do not come off very well .
28 Ignore them , but make sure they do not dry out completely .
29 You can rest assured that you do not dive in just because you have a weak constitution !
30 I do not pray down here .
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