Example sentences of "do [vb infin] that [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 You do know that if you 're stopped you 've got to get all that backdated do n't you ?
2 I 'm sorry about the turning a blind eye I er I er Mr I really do feel that if you are passionate about it the one way to get rid of this debate is to vote for my motion .
3 Now , as soon as you have the five answers , and do remember that if you er , did n't hear any of the other ones , they will be repeated next week , so you 'll have a chance to write all the five answers down .
4 ‘ I do believe that when you are leading the BBC into the next century at the age of 73 , it is bizarre . ’
5 ‘ I do believe that when you are leading the BBC into the next century at the age of 73 , it is bizarre . ’
6 I do believe that if you spend under it , you will be told that you had the money er , for the services and so there 's no use coming back and er , and making representations .
7 I do suggest that if you , with your relative responsibilities want to , you could take that up with the individual chief officer and general manager , and I just do need to draw your attention to the fact that the targets and the whole policy in education , does not apply in schools , because that is the responsibility of ind individual government bodies .
8 I I do suggest that if you feel that some easing is required that er you could specifically refer to exceptions that will be set out er in local plans .
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