Example sentences of "into [noun] and [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As Joe walked away he felt that he had said goodbye to the last phase of his youth , and that his storm of weeping had swept him into manhood and away from all connection with the woman back in that room .
2 These designs can reveal people at play during a party as in Les Rendezvous or on an ice-rink as in Les Patineurs ; they present the conflicting or subtle moods arising from the tragedy of lost youth and hope during war-time , as in Gloria ; or they show how deep sorrow gradually changes into resignation and on to exaltation as in Requiem .
3 Behind its neoclassical façade was a desperate little huddle of rooms partitioned into offices and not at all smart .
4 Allied troops now punched deep into Kuwait and on into Iraq itself in a multi-pronged attack .
5 ICI Chlor-Chemicals takes salt solution from its brine fields and turns it first into chlorine and then into a host of downstream products .
6 His trauma after witnessing the effects of the massacre had led progressively to the loss of his job , a slide into alcoholism and then to crime :
7 The prince 's intervention prompted the BMA into action and ultimately into a more constructive position on questions relating to complementary medicine .
8 If they managed to exact a sworn and written abrogation of the Act from every single proprietor in the strath ( and over into Tummel and down past Dunkeld ) , at least they would have built a paper wall round themselves .
9 All over Greenwich and down into Deptford and along in Woolwich , people were protesting at the sudden heat .
10 ‘ So now you go and tramp the streets changing your traveller 's cheques into cash and then into traveller 's cheques signed Winterbotham .
11 The resulting terraces will also differ from most rejuvenation terraces in being cut solely into drift and not into solid rock .
12 Nitrogen cycle — The process in which ammonia is broken down into nitrites and thence to nitrates by aerobic bacteria .
13 Less than a year later he was embarked on a career which would take him from the industrial grime of Taibach into films and on to the West End with hardly a pause for breath .
14 The mathematics required to convert the two voltages back into angles and hence into an actual position on the baseboard are relatively complex but once the relationship has been established the system can be made self-calibrating .
15 A little later when local people formed themselves into vigilantees and eventually into a battalion of the UDA , he was asked to take charge of the extensive social work sponsored by it in the district .
16 From the bazaars the tale passed via servants into households and thence to the clubs , not so dissimilar from bazaars in their capacity to retail and embellish a story .
17 I sat unmoving , adding up all the factors over and over , getting the same answer , while Posi took us up into Highlight and on to the first Netline of our route .
18 We know that the Ancient Egyptians er did insist on circumcision er they were racially very erm erm er very prejudiced the Ancient Egyptians cos they were living at the peak of cultural time and regarded all other races as inferior to them and one of the main er stigmas in inferiority was erm not being circumcised and Ancient Egyptians regarded people who were n't circumcised as filthy and erm they er they had this tremendous er racial pride in themselves as the circumcised people , and this of course has passed on into Judaism and even to Islamic faith .
19 Stretching from the west of Middlesbrough into Stockton and across through Thornaby , Yarm and Eaglescliffe , the seat is more middle class than its counterpart , Stockton North .
20 It is near this point that the Pennine Way crosses Swaledale from Tan Hill over the bleak mass of Stonesdale Moor , falling down into Keld and on by Thwaite to Shunner Fell .
21 The parasites have transferred from cattle into reservoirs and thence through the tap .
22 They discharge into downpipes and thence into gullies , traps and drains .
23 Behaviouralist critics , who found these principles inconsistent , responded by pressing what they took to be the claims of scientific method , thus moving still further into Explanation and away from Morgenthau 's residual gestures to human nature as an interpretative posit .
24 From here you can look down into Oxendale and across to Crinkle Crags and Bowfell , which leads the eye around the head of Langdale .
25 Kathleen Ethrington , 89 , had lived an active life at her home in Eastbourne Road , Darlington , but in recent months her health failed and she was obliged to move into hospital and then to the Wilton House nursing home .
26 She popped through hatchways into alleys and back into ducts again .
27 … the primal father had prevented his sons from satisfying their directly sexual impulsions ; he forced them into abstinence and consequently into emotional ties with him and with one another which could arise out of those of their impulsions that were inhibited in their sexual aim … .
28 She claims that by putting our Body In Action * we can get into shape and out of the ‘ victim ’ role .
29 Very few witnesses had been found who were prepared to come to court to repeat their statements in the flesh , but some did and their words were translated first into English and then into German , causing some confusion as to the precise meaning of what they had actually said .
30 For example , think of a house , break it down into floors and then into rooms .
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