Example sentences of "into [noun] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A roe deer came down into reeds opposite to munch at green stuff .
2 The National Council advised the Bristol conference of the League of 1935 : We must not allow ourselves to be diverted into activities definitely condemned by the Labour Party which will jeopardize our affiliation to and influence in the Party .
3 A European convention laying down ground rules for television broadcasting by satellite across national frontiers was opened for signature on May 5 , 1989 , and would enter into force once ratified by seven signatory countries .
4 The Convention was drawn up under the aegis of the Pompidou Group [ see pp. 37394 ; 35127 ] and would enter into force once ratified by three signatories .
5 It gave individuals whose petitions were upheld by the European Commission on Human Rights the automatic right to have their cases reviewed by the Court ( this being hitherto the prerogative of either the commission or the state concerned ) ; it would enter into force once ratified by 10 states .
6 It could then be opened for signature later in 1992 or early in 1993 , to enter into force once ratified by 65 countries .
7 Sometimes some people wish to withdraw into settings deliberately chosen for their regulation and predictability , such as the armed forces , nunneries , monasteries — even prison itself .
8 Legally , the treaty would come into effect once ratified by the parliaments concerned .
9 On the same day the UN special border commission adopted the proposals which would go into effect once approved by the Security Council .
10 Building Societies also provide a broader range of services and have moved into areas traditionally viewed as the province of the banks , more so after the recent ‘ liberalisation ’ of their activities through the Financial Services Act ( 1987 ) .
11 Given the very patchy record of companies that have diversified into areas not related to their existing businesses or not requiring similar management skills , corporate managers ought always to bear in mind the option of planned divestment of inevitable dinosaurs with a view to returning cash to shareholders ( see Lorenz , 1988 ) .
12 These policies might be concerned to promote trade-union conditions , health and safety policies , or equal opportunities for women or black workers ; but they might also stray into areas far removed from the purpose of the contract .
13 After his victory at Auberoche , prisoners were taken whose ransoms were said to be worth over £50,000 , and in 1346 , according to Froissart , Lancaster 's army returned from a raid into Poitou so laden with riches that they had difficulty in transporting all their gains .
14 Toddler walks with her had been a superhuman test of patience as she squatted by every puddle , slowly stirring the water with sticks , and picked up myriads of stones , tenderly brushing them free of earth and inserting them with infinite laboriousness into pockets already grinding with pebbles .
15 As autumn slipped gradually into winter so work on the farm slowed down .
16 He would sit by the little fire he had built underneath it , watching the drops of spirit trickle out of the tubes into bottles partially filled with apricot jam .
17 The changing values attributed to our own private delicts such as divorce , slander , adultery , debt , libel , blasphemy , obedience to church , and the like , have turned some earlier ‘ crimes ’ into matters now governed by other social mores .
18 An actively functioning organisation tends to generate its own dynamism so that it may eventually follow procedures and enter into transactions far removed from those envisaged by the treaty .
19 At first , Marton 's new cars 10–15 retained their old equipment , but in December 1949 car 21 went into service completely modernised with new ‘ silent ’ bogies , four motors and VAMBAC control equipment : the first Marton Vambac .
20 First , when we examine a very wide range of psychotic traits in normal people , using questionnaires that contain different kinds of item , we find that they tend to group into clusters closely corresponding to the different ways in which clinical psychosis manifests itself : in emotion , in perception and thinking , and in socially deviant behaviour .
21 Econometricians are not , in my experience , very good at translating their findings into terms readily understood by those without at least A-level mathematics and statistics : those who are running their own consultancies also have an understandable reluctance to go into the full details of their equations and the modifications that may be required to fit equation and data more closely together .
22 As the following extract illustrates , breaking a transcription of spoken language into sentences often proves to be impossible ( the + in the transcript indicates where the speaker made a short pause ) :
23 Not only did they bring stretches of water into country often lacking in them , as in many parts of the Midlands , with consequent changes in bird and plant life , but they also brought — mostly for the first time — aqueducts , cuttings and embankments , tunnels , locks , lifts and inclined planes , and many attractive bridges , and they greatly influenced the growth and appearance of many towns .
24 Most pertinently , they 're at the point where the dubious advantage of being sucked into London systematically develop in front of their half-repulsed eyes .
25 In Tokyo , the Nikkei share index continued its nosedive into depths not seen for five years , despite government efforts to stimulate the slowing economy and the maudlin market .
26 Erm once the development er that would have been g going into Selby actually goes into the new settlement then it 's me it 's either meeting the new settlement 's er sorry the the it 's either meeting the goals of Greater York , in which case that 's been taken away from Selby , or it 's substituting for Selby .
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