Example sentences of "could have do [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although , at that moment I could have done with a little less myself .
2 ‘ I could have done with a hand . ’
3 Her red suit was smart , but too bright a colour for her pale English pink and white skin , her brown hair could have done with a wash and her nails were ragged and bitten .
4 He could have done with a saw .
5 I think he could have done with a general chapter on the French State , which would have placed Diderot more firmly in his times and made clearer the difficulties he encountered .
6 I could have done with a little more natural variation in the sound , but seeing that all Kirk is probably going to do with it is leave it on the neck pickup , knock all the middle off at the amp and turn it up to an excruciating volume , it does n't have to be the most variable guitar in the world .
7 The little devils could have done with a firm hand ! ’
8 I could have done with a few .
9 ‘ Meeting Venus ’ looks like it could have done with a bit of old fashioned fascism itself .
10 Not a cloud , not a shiver of cold air , though Liz for one could have done with a little less heat , as she wiped the sweat from her brow and sought the shade of a chestnut tree .
11 So she said what it was , and then looking through it , it actually certainly we could have done with a fle I could have looked at the the flexible thing before we came to the meeting , because it
12 Ironically she rarely used much make-up herself , but right now she could have done with a cover-up stick to hide the dark shadows beneath her eyes and some blusher to conceal at least a little of her pallor .
13 I could have done with a bit of support from you once in a while .
14 I mean he tried the Forest defence out on the left-hand side t to start with switched the player and got young Lewis in and really Forest could have done with a better ball er sorry Leicester could have done with a better final ball from Lewis .
15 I mean he tried the Forest defence out on the left-hand side t to start with switched the player and got young Lewis in and really Forest could have done with a better ball er sorry Leicester could have done with a better final ball from Lewis .
16 I could have done with a bit of weeping and gnashing of the old teeth .
17 My time would only be impressive if clocked by sundial but I was pleased with it , though I could have done with a couple of gym sessions to get in shape .
18 yeah — gazza can be macca , batty and even strachan — and what 's more he can be cuntona : as good as our midfield is we could have done with a ‘ tales of the unexpected ’ -type of player — the player who does things no one thinks of before said player actually does it ( im not talking about cuntano 's new shirt look … )
19 Given the benefit of hindsight , Scotland could have done with a more demanding opening and might also have deployed the likes of Murry Walker and Carl Hogg first out , instead of waiting for the taxing fixture against Nadroga .
20 ‘ You could have done with a couple of stitches here .
21 How they could have done with a win this afternoon .
22 And what 's more , how Leeds could have done with the Frenchman as they crashed to their fourth defeat in five games .
23 We could have done with the masks upstairs at the ‘ Music Journalism ’ gathering , where a group of rock writers were taking themselves — and their , ahem , Art — extremely seriously .
24 He refrained from ringing Fred up and stored Daisy 's dividend cheques in a drawer without cashing them , although he could have done with the money .
25 The price , to a cheetah , of growing larger leg muscles is all the other things that the cheetah could have done with the materials and energy used to make the leg muscles , for instance make more milk for cubs .
26 ‘ It seems to me that both you and Peter could have done with the friendly shoulder of a mother to pour out your troubles to — you 're reliving something from your past .
27 I could have done with the two hundred and thirty quid though
28 Well we had er the business was quite good er we had er we could do , of course at the end of the war , we could have done with an awful lot more cars , but we could n't get them .
29 They could have done with an easier game than Bristol but they beat them 38-11 back in October , so it can be done .
30 However , one could have done without the editors ' patriotic digs at Australian journalists who are certainly no more chauvinist than British fans with typewriters ( or indeed television cameras ) .
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