Example sentences of "could n't be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 I 'm grateful , that 's for today , erm my Lord it may sound slightly more erm contentious , but I 'd also ask for certificate for counsel for the thirteenth of August hearing , may I say the reason for that , it 's a matter that has n't come before you , you wo n't know about , it 's this , this reason , because at that period it was n't just the application under twenty eighty or twenty eight , four for delay there was another application er , which was unsuccessful which has n't been proceed today , but cost were also disallowed with more serious reason , I submit that said showed er negligent or that improper conduct , there was a substantial attack mounted , and I can use no other words fairly describe it on the professional conduct of and for that reason my Lord er both cos the seriousness of the allegations , but of course also because of the potential conflict that they acted for themselves and it would of been in situation for us solicitor hence to turn up , er they instructed counsel and my self , and so for that double reason in my believe we should be entitled to at , at first stage , ordinarily I would n't of had a very good run for argument but I , it 's my suspicion my clue recollection , be backed up by those behind me , and indeed by the documents that a substantial attack was mounted and it was in , I have to say in full flight terms , and much hence could n't be said to be unreasonable to deem if necessarily , unusually to send counsel in front of a taxing master , well I wo n't say any more on the point , but that is my suspicion
2 I knew it could n't be restored to what it had been in the old days , but there was still room for a club where members had fun rather than did business .
3 One day , soon after he arrived in the dale he had reason to go to another farm and overheard a conversation between two old ladies.p They were lamenting that it was a sad day because outsiders were coming into the dale and taking over farms and was n't it a shame they could n't be let to locals . ’
4 Whatever else Christmas Day at Laura 's might be , it could n't be guaranteed to be quiet , he thought .
5 Each horse had his own harness ; and if it could n't be spared to be sent down to the shop for repair , the horseman brought it himself , got it seen to and took it back ready for work on the next day .
6 I would n't cos I , I ca n't if I saw you in the street I do n't know you I could n't be , I could n't be attracted to you .
7 No it 's true , it 's true I , I could n't be attracted to you .
8 ‘ Government funding for Mar Lodge 's future through Scottish Natural Heritage could n't be agreed to because it would be a nail in the coffin admission that the present deer forest system is at the root of the most serious problems for the Cairngorms ’ .
9 He 'd had another sleepless night and ahead lay customs , who could n't be expected to be exactly pro-British , and because of post and telephone strikes in Argentina , he had n't been able to confirm the flight with Alejandro , so they 'd have to go through the hassle of hiring a car to drive the 330 kilometres out to his estancia .
10 Dyson could n't be expected to wet-nurse his staff — he 'd far too much on his hands already .
11 The poor darling had been through a lot and could n't be expected to … well , she was sure Melissa would understand how he must be feeling .
12 And it had been little comfort to realise — since he clearly could n't be bothered to even make the effort to get in touch with her — that her marriage had obviously been a disastrous mistake from the very beginning .
13 And then the doctor could n't be bothered to it .
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