Example sentences of "could n't [vb infin] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She could n't stop crying now to save her life .
2 Roman frowned but did n't answer , and Claudia stood up ; she could n't bear sitting so close to the man she loved and had lost to her sister any longer .
3 The first thing I noticed as we arrived at the famous pot was a fixed caving rope leading down into the dark abyss , and I could n't resist scrambling across to peer in .
4 Lucy crawled out of bed around lunchtime , found her way up to the shower while Josie could be heard moving around in the kitchen , and could n't resist leaving aside her own hard soap and supermarket shampoo in order to freeload a few squirts and squeezes of the gels , mousses and lotions that stood on the tiled windowsill .
5 ‘ I simply could n't imagine telling either Jennifer or my parents that I was seeing you … in fact , I still ca n't . ’
6 My own mind seemed full of memories already and I could n't imagine storing away the new ones as years and years went by .
7 Eventually the time came when she could n't delay going downstairs any longer , and when she reached the kitchen she discovered that the visitor had left , and that Silas was examining the contents of the fridge .
8 Initially it was the drumming that got me bouncing in my seat , but when the bass came in I just could n't help grinning insanely at all the other drivers , wishing they could hear it too ( mind you , I had it up so loud that they probably could ) .
9 She caught the raised eyebrow and quirked corner of his mouth as he said , ‘ I 'm impressed ! ’ and could n't help smiling smugly .
10 Now Florian adopted his spoilt-rotten superstar voice , and Maria could n't help smiling sardonically , recognising the onset of one of his boisterous moods .
11 She could n't help laughing now , towelling her own hair and then wrapping the towel sarong-style while she crossed to the french doors .
12 Although he 'd assured her that there were no problems , and that she must n't worry her pretty head about her clients , who were sure to understand her problems , Laura still could n't help feeling slightly anxious .
13 The evidence was too damning for anyone who did n't know of Dana 's existence , but she could n't help feeling briefly disappointed .
14 The whole thing disgusted him , he told Beryl , it was beneath his notice , only he could n't help feeling utterly disillusioned with human nature .
15 ‘ I could n't help feeling just a bit sorry for him , though . ’
16 Leith could n't help feeling extremely sorry for her , especially when she discovered that Rosemary , brought up believing that marriages were forever , could not accept that her marriage was over — even though it had ended up such a disaster and Derek was now asking for a divorce .
17 She could n't remember having actually been in one and anyway , they rarely came Past Mrs Parvis 's lodgings .
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