Example sentences of "could be use [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Described as an innovation were little packs ( or growbags ) of planting soil that could be used under gravel to improve your results .
2 As commander-in-chief — he would not co-operate with Spanish generals on any other terms — Wellington was loth to regard native troops as an instrument that could be used with safety in battle .
3 Deep , thick fringing could be used with velvet or linen drapes , whereas a delicate edging would suit lighter curtains .
4 The papal curia acted much as the curia regis and the cardinals became primarily officers of state and administrators who could be used as ambassadors or legates — a position they had reached by the early years of the twelfth century .
5 Throughout the first months of the war Board of Education officials were desperate to find convincing proof of this , so that it could be used as publicity to stop the drift-back to the danger areas .
6 For Engels , therefore , the study of systems of kin terms revealed previously existing systems of consanguinity and could be used as evidence for the history of kinship and social organization .
7 Since the argument between the two centres on how open each country 's market and regulatory climate are , an increase in Telecom 's ability to buy from US suppliers could be used as evidence of the openness of the UK market .
8 This glycoprotein could be used as amother marker of severity in these patients .
9 Sometimes commanders in the field could be used as negotiators : in 1714 the treaty of Rastadt which ended the struggle between Louis XIV and the Emperor Charles VI was based on personal contacts between the commanders of the opposing armies , Marshal Villars on the French side and Prince Eugene on the imperial one .
10 Any of these could be used as rollers but only the circle has a constant centre , permitting a hub .
11 Both houses could be used as dormitories , if No. 43 proved inadequate .
12 The idea is not to attempt all these at once — rather they could be used as sections in a loose leaf file and added to at intervals .
13 It is worth checking what is available on video with a view to picking short sequences which could be used as mind stretchers occasionally at the beginning of a training session .
14 Aquifers could be used as carbon stores , if they could be made gas-tight .
15 It seemed to me at the time that the Tanzanian Government feared that papers could be used as mouthpieces for dissident political groups anxious to advance their own positions .
16 The brief period of time in which the words were presented to the subject in our experiment , however , limited the kinds of words that could be used as stimuli .
17 From Okinawa it would be feasible to control all the ports of northern Asia , which could be used as bases for an amphibious expedition .
18 Entry-level Pentium machines , which could be used as servers , are expected to be under $6,000 .
19 The discussion concentrated upon the imperatives of effective political communication : the need to prepare a ‘ distillation ’ of policy in a form that could be used as background for press conferences , speeches and broadcasts , and the language and basic terms that should be employed .
20 ICL intends to optimise the server to run corporate relational databases at the high-end of the commercial market , and enable it to link into an organisation 's existing systems , including mainframes , which could be used as clients .
21 The ‘ firebutton ’ could be used for direction control , with the ‘ stick ’ being used to control the speed .
22 The medium in its various colours could be used for cloisonné work or painted thinly on metal surfaces .
23 Members discussed plans which could be used for families without permanent homes , including the use of housing associations , local authority hostels , use of empty houses awaiting modernisation and private sector leasing .
24 This was a country where only 3% of the land could be used for agriculture but where farmers received considerable financial assistance from the government to ensure that rural communities continued to be viable .
25 In the circumstances , hotel use was clearly a good second best , as it meant that the staterooms could be used for functions and so still seen by the public .
26 ‘ It is absolutely staggering that while the Ministry of Defence was deploying soldiers in the Gulf , the Department of Trade and Industry was allowing British companies to supply equipment that could be used for munitions to the enemy , ’ he said .
27 Moreover , during the badal diet breath CH 4 concentrations increased in responders duggesting that their usual diet contained enough sulphate for sulphate reducing bacteria to reduce the amount of hydrogen available to methanogens , whilst on the sulphate depleted basal diet more hydrogen could be used for methanogenesis .
28 That could be used for potatoes or any plants in the corners .
29 The DES was suggesting that 30,000 places could be used for diversification .
30 One surprise measure in the Budget was the freeze on the ‘ earnings cap ’ which was introduced in the 1989 Budget to restrict the amount of salary that could be used for pension contributions for high earners .
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