Example sentences of "could be more [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 " I shall also give a warning to those present , to the effect that , in my view , nothing could be worse for the treatment of cholera than the warm baths , mustard-plasters and compresses recommended by Dr Dunstaple , which can only further reduce the water content of the blood No medicine could be more dangerous in cholera collapse than opium , and calomel in the form of a pill is utterly useless . "
2 In 1940 he had been quite prepared , if need be , to serve in a dangerous capacity in the ranks because he felt he could be more useful in such a rôle at that critical moment in the country 's affairs , rather than go through the extra time and training there and then for a commission .
3 Old friends who are Christians in moderation think that such talents as you have could be more effective in some other vocation .
4 And what , thought reformers , could be more effective in pursuit of this goal than to inculcate in young workers the values of citizenship — a popular doctrine which drew support from all political perspectives ?
5 It is at least disconcerting and sometimes painful to have the memories flooding back to spoil the enjoyment of success , and what could be more effective in bringing back the memories than the sight of an unknown stranger receiving an honorary degree apparently for no good reason .
6 He asked us many questions , and said as we left , ‘ I wish I could be more active in helping you . ’
7 As substantial interindividual differences in synthesis of bile acids exist , it may be expected that the SeHCAT test could be more sensitive in evaluation of ileal uptake , especially in the borderline case .
8 £150 a year might seem expensive for an actress at the beginning of her career , but look what you got for it , and with Charles sharing the rent as well as the bed , what could be more acceptable in a period of economic pressure when whisky cost the exorbitant price of 12s. 6d. a bottle ?
9 ‘ Cordon pricing could be more attractive in changing drivers ’ behaviour ’ .
10 Large firms generally , they considered , had a conventional outlook and data base whereas small firms could be more imaginative in the range of candidates presented .
11 MIDDLESBROUGH gave a gritty performance for a result that could be more important in May than the memories of the Rumbelows League Cup semi-final against Manchester United .
12 It sounds like you may benefit from looking at some time management strategies for coping more effectively at work , and also looking at how you could be more assertive in order to limit the demands colleagues make on you .
13 Sir Keith Joseph has recently gone on record as saying that he wished that examiners could be more objective in their assessment of what children know .
14 Lastly , animal response to analgesic therapy designed for humans can be an excellent criterion when the animal responds but the failures which mark the intractable pains of man could be more common in animals .
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