Example sentences of "could be [verb] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 For the uncommitted public , however , there were two effects of startling importance : sexual frankness took an immense leap forward and the image of women could be said to have been changed for ever .
2 W. P. Hartley also made donations so that the movement could be said to have been financially based on Quaker chocolate and Methodist jam .
3 Naturally enough , this raised all sorts of questions as to how much of the estate could in good faith be consumed by him ; and ( the question here ) in what circumstances the estate could be said to have been diminished .
4 ( These diets could be said to have been half-right , in that they did cut out refined carbohydrates , but unfortunately without adding fibre-rich carbohydrate foods which we now know to be of such help to slimmers . )
5 Even by accepting Laura Danby 's kind invitation , Meredith 's own fiercely maintained independence could be said to have been undermined .
6 Tim Renton could be said to have been the first to grasp this nettle .
7 Now sexism is so fundamental an evil that it becomes very difficult for anyone who has grasped this to envisage that God could be said to have been involved with human history .
8 All in all it could be said to have been an amicable evening .
9 It is the myth of Einstein as the Brain , which prima facie could be said to have been derived , albeit tenuously , from modern scientific notions .
10 Indeed , even at the time of the negotiations which led up to the SEA the European Communities ( EC ) Commission ( the Civil Service which administers the communities from Brussels ) estimated that in excess of 300 measures remained to be adopted before the problem of what came to be called ‘ non-Europe ’ could be said to have been fully addressed .
11 Are we then , in fairness to smokers who seem to have become the target of the ‘ let's hang 'em brigade ’ , going to see treatment refused for all ailments which , could be said to have been self-inflicted ?
12 The only prediction which it could be claimed has been validated is that the rate of profit would fall .
13 The government on May 18 froze all transfers of assets in the CPCz 's direct possession , valued at 4,500 million crowns ( approximately US$278 million ) , although the party would be allowed eventually to retain that portion of the assets which could be proved to have been acquired legally through membership dues .
14 The site in the Coln Valley could be expected to have been on much the same pattern , though a smaller scale .
15 Moreover , in terms of formal managerial rules , the incident could be shown to have been dealt with in terms of the letter of the law .
16 Thus , " English culture " could be taken to have been shaped , at least in pre-industrial times , equally by artists and community .
17 This Bill was gazetted only two months after the closure of one of Tanzania 's few private political newspapers — the last paper which could be considered to have been in open opposition to the Government .
18 Surely a person who had not been caught and killed by the Melanisms could be considered to have been inspected and found harmless .
19 Speculation that the Dolphin Centre could be used has been ruled out by Mr Boyle who says it would be too expensive .
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