Example sentences of "could be [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The hoarding at the entrance to the sliproad leading off the A643 five miles out of Mainz warned of the penalties which could be imposed on any unauthorized personnel attempting to gain illegal entry into the Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant a mile further down the road .
2 Negative growth in Trinidad and Tobago 's gross domestic product ( GDP ) continued during 1989 and 1990 , but at a slower rate , leading to hopes that positive growth could be recorded in 1991 .
3 While the domination of the criminal market was well known within the profession nothing was done for two main reasons : first , solicitors were making a handsome living and were under no pressure to find or create alternative sources of income : and second , there appeared to be no way in which these cartels could be broken by ethical means :
4 Alistair Asprey , Hong Kong 's Secretary for Security , forecast that all illegal Vietnamese immigrants in Hong Kong could be repatriated by 1995 .
5 The other side of the coin was the pressure which could be exerted upon such foreign soldiers if they attempted to come home to vote in an election in opposition to a man of influence .
6 It is not put forward as a definitive model for how coping , support and events interrelate in the genesis of psychiatric disorder , because the issues are so complex that the diagram could be redrawn in several different ways and indicate several other likely relationships .
7 It , it does appear that there , there 's problems on , on that corner of the Road bridge with , there could be weakening of that bridge , erm it could be erm disrupted .
8 He also pointed out , though somewhat less convincingly , that some geological structures could be traced from one continent to another across what are now wide stretches of ocean .
9 With the latest single , ‘ Until You Find Out ’ ( which is typically raucous and sweetly nasty affair and their last release for Chapter 22 before signing a distribution deal with CBS ) , the Neds could be posed for some real chart action .
10 With the latest single , ‘ Until You Find Out ’ ( which is typically raucous and sweetly nasty affair and their last release for Chapter 22 before signing a distribution deal with CBS ) , the Neds could be posed for some real chart action .
11 Nothing nakedly visible , indeed not even a faltering step could be discerned during this event but the imprint was there , the unsettling moment had begun .
12 The final four columns of Table 11.1 give details of the financial position of the companies as far as this could be discerned from published data .
13 Although emphasis was initially upon recognition of the variety of landscape features , sediments and structures that could be developed under periglacial conditions , the potential subsequently arose of developing a greater knowledge of phases of periglacial landscape development , and in Poland and other countries in Europe this emphasis was clearly evident in research in the 1960s and much of the research was reflected in Periglacial Geomorphology ( Embleton and King , 1975 ) which was one of two books to derive from the earlier Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology ( Embleton and King , 1968 ) .
14 The implication of all this is that such places had perhaps been important as estates or administrative centres as well as having marketing functions long before late Saxon times and thus could be developed into true towns fairly easily .
15 For not only was the papacy 's practical influence severely circumscribed by schism , and the development of its governmental powers halted , but no theory of papal power could be developed with two contenders for St Peter 's chair .
16 There are also hopes that a live trade in slaughter cattle could be developed with other EC countries over 1994 — just as has already taken place with slaughter lambs to France .
17 One might have anticipated an exposition on how this new syntax differed from that of the preceding age and how it could be developed for stylistic purposes .
18 She was aware that these could be developed by investigative work , but once she became immersed in the new curriculum , struggling on occasions to keep her head above water , she began to lose sight of these objectives , focusing instead on the more familiar content objectives .
19 Councillors on Thursday decided that the 12-acre Cattle Market at Bury could be developed in small-scale phases .
20 We estimate that approximately 30 of our units could be developed in this way .
21 The arguments could be developed in several quite different forms , and we need not list them all .
22 For the import of the " new " sense of design which I have hypothesised could be developed from these sketches is its interaction with social forces — literally its forming of them .
23 This would entail a sixty-mile round trip for us , but who cared if he could be freed of that perpetual pain he had suffered for so long ?
24 Before 1885 lashes could be inflicted in ordinary cattle-stealing cases .
25 Thus these case roles could be filled with nonsensical objects such as ’ sincerity ’ or ’ steam ’ ; i.e. , one could say ’ steam collided with sincerity ’ .
26 So what would be the worst possible picture we could be faced with next year ?
27 This innovation allowed ministers to prescribe the maximum local rate that could be levied by particular local authorities .
28 The SE would be a hybrid ( and to this extent some of the original purpose of the SE has been lost ) ; it would be incorporated in a particular Member State , whose domestic laws would govern certain aspects of its operations ( e.g. insolvency ) , but its registered office could be transferred to another Member State .
29 Boris Pyankov , discussed which sections of the armed forces stationed in the republic could be transferred to Moldovan control .
30 Specialist local authority homes for dementia , to which new residents could be admitted , or to which residents of " ordinary " homes could be transferred at later stages , are a possibility , but are against strongly held principles of integration and continuity of care .
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