Example sentences of "could still [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this case , subsistence requirements could still be met from cotton income , but as there appears to be no clearly demonstrated link between cash crop promotion and improvements in food crops to make up for the shortfall in the cropping area that results from giving over the land to cash crops , the issue of food security must be raised .
2 We could still be looking for it when they blow us out of the water . ’
3 His security could still be threatened at the one point left vulnerable .
4 The group is asking the commission to reopen its inquiry into the environmental consequences of the road and believes the case could still be referred to the European Court of Justice if the government is found to have infringed EC directives .
5 Our outdoor training sessions , however , could still be spoiled by hostile dogs , which would sometimes lunge at us from garden walls or charge round corners .
6 Derain 's Baigneuses is in many ways closer in spirit to the Demoiselles , and it was regarded by Vauxcelles at least , as a revolutionary work , but it had the advantage that it could still be fitted into a traditional frame of reference .
7 Antibodies could still be demonstrated in one patient 20 years after a proctocolectomy .
8 Even during our period a great part of agriculture was conducted in ways which would have been quite familiar a hundred , even two hundred years earlier , which was natural since striking results could still be achieved by generalising the best methods known to pre-industrial farming .
9 As the bulk of the material was culled from just three radio sessions , this proved that an album of quality could still be made for less than the cost of recording your average chart single .
10 Cameron and Menzies looked at each other , searching for signs of belief that something could still be made of the occasion .
11 Detente , the cold peace , had started with the crack of a rifle in downtown Dallas , and the echoes could still be heard in the corridors of the White House .
12 Sounds of fighting could still be heard from the far side of the bailey , but it was easily apparent that de Raimes ' men were outnumbered and outclassed .
13 Not only did the Dissenters still suffer civil disabilities , but they could still be prosecuted for worshipping outside the Church of England if they did not fulfil certain requirements at law .
14 In schools where there is no full-time librarian , it could still be done by teachers .
15 This is because an egg that has already almost reached the womb could still be implanted after the operation .
16 Williams showed that it would be much better to concentrate on attacking U-boats which could still be seen on the surface , with a depth-charge setting of 25 feet , and ignore those which had had time to submerge , because of the uncertainty in knowing their exact position .
17 In all these market phases , the producer could still be seen as an originator , though in practice , throughout , there were qualifications .
18 Glistening wing colours could still be seen after the insects themselves had faded into the blue .
19 A proliferation of pentecostal and evangelical sects , and the success of the Salvation Army ( founded in 1878 ) seemed to show that though the masses could still be moved by religious fervour , they could not find it in the established churches .
20 Despite the passing of the Children Act 1989 , the inherent jurisdiction of the court could still be invoked in such a case to prevent an abortion which was contrary to the interests of the minor .
21 Mr Pallister believes Mr Freeman , who was from Darlington , could still be living in the area .
22 If the figure was too high , many future decisions could still be influenced by powerful personalities .
23 She was n't going to do it again , and let him think that she could still be affected by anything he said , or by the way he looked at her .
24 It could be argued that in such instances an unlearnt program could still be detected at work behind the scenes since the general category of food , and its effectiveness as a reward , was in some sense built in .
25 This early in the summer most of the hurricane tracks lay well to the south of the Bahamas , but the islands could still be racked by ship-killing tropical storms and , till I was sure of Wavebreaker 's rigging , I would not go too far from safe harbours .
26 And if the scientists felt that they could speak with certainty , how much more so the lesser publicists and ideologists who were all the more certain of the experts ' certainties , because they could understand most of what the experts said , at least in so far as it could still be said without the use of higher mathematics .
27 LORD TEBBIT vowed yesterday that the ‘ wretched ’ Maastricht treaty could still be defeated in the Commons , despite the setback to the Euro-rebels over the social chapter .
28 But while it proposed interim restrictions on the consumption of HCFCs — used for making foam insulation — it stepped back from proposing to outlaw their production in the EC , from where they could still be exported to developing countries as a substitute to the much more harmful CFCs ( chlorofluorocarbons ) in refrigerators and air conditioners .
29 Since the DVLC at Swansea became responsible for driving licences the use of the negative averment for driving licences has ended but could still be used for certificates of insurance and test certificates etc .
30 However , we found the machine could still be used for much more than the average heat gun .
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