Example sentences of "could come to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ONE OF Darlington 's busiest streets could come to a standstill this morning as taxi drivers pay respect to a young colleague who died suddenly .
2 No my my own view and it 's I I do n't know if I 've come to a view on the relative weight of those sorts of considerations er I I 'd need to think about it some more before I could come to a view on that .
3 The monk sealed his flask of ink and wrapped his pens , and the woman wiped her hands and removed the Mystery scripts to a high shelf where they could come to no harm .
4 He hoped they could come to an arrangement which would prevent the dishonour of his claiming its protection .
5 In theory , the Tory constituency parties could come to the rescue .
6 From time to time , and I think mainly to keep in touch , Aunt Janie would ring me to ask if I could come to the house to help with a small task , such as fixing the cellar door , hammering in a stray loose plank over the cistern and so on — although she must have known as well as I did how useless I was at such household chores .
7 If all sides in the conflict make every effort to co-operate in good faith then new life could come to the area .
8 And if it is the intention of regions to put speakers on , especially those regions that are situated at back of Congress , if the speakers could come to the front it would save a great deal of time .
9 Zahedi asked whether the Shah could come to the States in the next few days .
10 It was as close as she could come to the truth without feeling disloyal .
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