Example sentences of "could not even [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hells bells ! they could not even spell teem !
2 What can be discounted as nonsense on the other hand is the conclusion drawn by a Soviet historian with regard to the Tambov revolt : ‘ In that period the kulaks ’ political banditry became the most important means of struggle by international imperialism , Antonov could not even make contact with subversive elements in Kursk guberniia , let alone London .
3 I gave one deflection burst from port beam at about 350 yards and one careful stern burst from the same distance , but could not even keep pace with this shallow dive .
4 How could Ma look like that at someone who could n't even speak English ?
5 ‘ I was n't getting any respect , any money ; I could n't even get hold of Richard when I wanted to , so I decided to put my foot down and straighten things out .
6 ‘ I read the letters between him and his brother and it became clear he could n't even buy petrol on the New Jersey turnpike without writing to the petrol company about being over-charged .
7 Swindon the poor buggers scrape the barrel ; the whole of their midfield ( stlg2.5m ) could n't even buy Speed ( stlg2.8m ) .
8 For day after day I could n't even keep water down .
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