Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] more " in BNC.

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1 The 44-year-old composer said : ‘ When they let me know they could not afford to pay more than £6 million , I realised we had to step in to save it for the nation .
2 Modern scientists tell us that Bartley could not have survived more than a few minutes in the whale 's belly , let alone the half-day or more it took the unwitting sailors on the mother ship to release this modern Jonah .
3 Many readers of our most respected newspaper The Times could not have disagreed more .
4 She was not disappointed ; if a firebell had gone off within a yard of his ear , he could not have appeared more shaken .
5 Had she insisted that I apply leeches to her son I could not have felt more disturbed , more unwilling to assist at this medieval rite .
6 In many ways the first two UDCs could not have possessed more diverse characteristics nor could they have differed more greatly in their potential to transform their respective areas from derelict urban landscapes to localities resonant with dynamic private sector activity .
7 Her glance rested on him only for a matter of seconds , yet his face could not have registered more in her mind had she been staring at him for an hour .
8 Allen could not have done more to justify his £275,000 fee .
9 But for those who spent Christmas in Bart 's , staff could not have done more .
10 The opinion is that he could not have done more , just as the South African golfers , as stressed by Bland , have done everything to eliminate apartheid from their tournament scene in order that the South African Professional Golfers ' Association is respected for placing merit before colour or creed .
11 Having said that , the 12 who played out there could not have done more .
12 He could not have said more plainly , ‘ It will soon be you and I. ’ There was an understanding between them .
13 Your hosts , Miles and Audrey Hunter , came to this spot to escape the rat-race — and they could not have chosen more perfectly .
14 He swung it to the extra-cover boundary and Sabina Park , where everyone had been generous in Test defeat , could not have celebrated more had the World Cup been won .
15 The past world recorded in the rocks could not have seemed more alien .
16 One 's mind is occupied so much when one is young , but I wonder now if I could not have thought more about Beatrice .
17 Sorrel could n't have made more than a grand so far that morning .
18 Had the house actually left the ground , he knew that he could n't have felt more strange than he did at this moment , or more afraid : there was someone here .
19 Even Casanova could n't have done more in the circumstances .
20 He put my felonious body in the stocks of his arm and led me off in the direction of what passed for a garden at Sussex , a series of brick-edged parallelograms that could n't have looked more artificial if they had been planted with cathode-ray tubes , instead of hardy perennials .
21 The priest could n't have looked more relieved if he had completed a mission to those that dwell in the waters that are below the earth .
22 If I 'd hit you you could n't have looked more stricken .
23 Travis could n't have looked more sceptical if she 'd told him the world was flat after all .
24 Maggie could n't have agreed more .
25 Shiona could n't have agreed more , but all the same she felt her heart sink .
26 Shiona could n't have agreed more , but her tone was taunting as she told him , ‘ What a pity you 'll have to wait until tomorrow to see me led away in chains . ’
27 Erm th the general idea is that I 'm actually responding to a request from last years ' student group so that the previous lecturer did pass on to me that the student group had been unhappy that there were too many texts referred to as they could n't necessarily get them from the library and they could n't afford to buy more than one text .
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