Example sentences of "could [vb infin] a [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In which case the member for Huntingdon could deliver a 1992 budget of generous tax cuts and more spending , with the markets roaring at the prospect of another Tory triumph .
2 His reported reaction was that if his order could answer a hundred heretics a year , they would not be beaten by one Catholic .
3 When Sam Phillips , founder of Sun Records and ‘ creator ’ of Elvis Presley , said , ‘ If I could find a white man who had the Negro sound and the Negro feel , I could make a billion dollars ’ ( quoted in Hopkins 1971 : 66 ) , the twin motivations , artistic and commercial , were not separated or separable .
4 Do you enter a big competition , and you could win a million pounds plus six .
5 Many years ago one such wager was made in the " Homeward Bound " , when a group of men were drinking together , the wager was made by one that nine in the bar could carry a 56 lb weight on his head for a measured mile and back .
6 They boasted that it was the worst they 'd ever known , and could expect a million profit with confidence .
7 You work it out in stages , little bits , and then you add the bits together and then you add the bits together , so you say , well I could do a hundred times seventeen and then I could do ones times seventeen .
8 One person could do a two way on a quiet arm but the others are gon na need one person to do ins , one person to do outs .
9 ‘ I could do a three hour programme every night of the week and no duplicate anything , ’ he enthuses .
10 ‘ I could do a three hour programme every night of the week and no duplicate anything , ’ he enthuses .
11 After lunch Mr Major arrived in Gloucester , which could become a three way marginal if the opinion polls are to be believed .
12 They could search a thousand years and they 'd not find it .
13 ‘ I could see a hundred evictions and still keep a level head on that subject .
14 Alternatively , you could use a three pin plug with a built-in thermostat , available from electrical retailers .
15 Since he could command a thousand guineas a time , he was well able to afford such a residence .
16 And you might could try a thousand K , erm , with oth other programs , if you start using Windows , y you need to use the so software called Microsoft Windows if you 're going to use one to four .
17 Manager Lennie Lawrence said : ‘ Proctor could have a 50–50 chance of being in the first-team squad for Charlton Athletic on Saturday . ’
18 here we could have a hundred N right and then we 'd add eight hundred on to each one could n't we .
19 We could have a two point six seven multiplier
20 But , th he is you know , he is very , very good about it , he would know from loads of money and he 's and his company could have a one point six Sierra
21 And erm anyway we got more from the unemployment exchange that prepared to work for him for fourteen pound , when we could have a eighteen pound on the dole .
22 Parents who fork out one a year for expensive games would not have to see them abandoned in the cupboard and teenagers could have a dozen games a year at pocket money prices .
23 Proportional representation , for all its ‘ fairness ’ , would destroy forever any future chance of real leadership and provide a power base for any extremist minority that could muster a dozen seats .
24 I 'd set it five or 10 beats lower till I could complete a 20–30 minute run without bleeping — then set it higher . ’
25 We could list a thousand reasons to visit Germany , and in fact we do — out new ‘ Calendar of Events ’ service has logged every major event in all the major cities .
26 Well you could drive a four wheel drive Daihatsu , great across those country roads .
27 ‘ You could fill a two litre jug — Oh ! what a daughter , Oh what a daughter !
28 Well er firstly , he can , even if it 's his money give it to his wife as his partner , and she could then invest the money , and because she 's not paying any tax , er she could get a ten percent return , so she could actually get a thousand pounds on that ten thousand and that would be payable gross .
29 er we could get a twenty inch one for six pound
30 Pit-fire could last a hundred years
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