Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet there are strong financial and commercial arguments why , ignoring the hype , any management should take a cool , business-like approach to assessing and where possible minimising the risks that could damage their operations in terms of liability claims , disruption of output or direct financial loss .
2 Serious naturalists could sprinkle their descriptions of the internal organization of new species with references to the skill of the Creator who had designed such complex living structures .
3 ‘ And it 's absolutely spotless , you could eat your meals off the floor .
4 Before the General Election perhaps all parties could make their views on this issue known .
5 Although I welcome the Bill , I fear that publication of performance tables could make our problems in Bexley worse .
6 You ca n't , you ca n't see , you ca n't you could cover your legs with it though
7 I would be grateful if you could convey my apologies to those who are present .
8 Yet he could convey his feelings about the country with real emotion , as in the extract from his description of Cockley Beck .
9 He said he could not offer any explanation as to exactly what Mr McNeill meant by his remarks as that could prejudge his statements on Thursday .
10 But , in so far as the subject was addressed , the dominant view was that by integrating modern industry into the communal structure Russia could enjoy its benefits without enduring proletarianization .
11 The idea of such a crude and offensive parody of the stiff , powerful heavy cavalry of the late Roman Army would appeal immensely to the peasants who could vent their feelings of resentment in bawdy mockery on those monuments of authority .
12 Or you could hang your eggs on a white-painted twig ‘ tree ’ standing in earth in a flower pot .
13 Lowered on a helicopter ladder over Anfield , he could bellow his instructions through a loudhailer , thus keeping in touch with his players while observing the letter of UEFA law .
14 The next day , Mackie , of Craigcrook Road , Edinburgh , had attended a meeting at Mr Runciman 's office so the investment analyst could update his notes on the company .
15 A nation of cricket lovers could bury their heads in the dust of the Oval and forget all about Continental goings-on .
16 I could discuss my plans for my proposed exploration of the Danakil country with him , take him to a meeting of the Raleigh Club or to Elsfield to have tea with John Buchan .
17 As an ENP I could discuss my patients with the senior medical staff only ; in practice this meant the registrars .
18 She could sense his eyes on her and felt a sudden bashfulness .
19 He intended to build up a small collection of workmen 's clothes , a Brabant smock , a fisherman 's outfit of yellow oilskin and a sou'wester , a grey linen suit of the sort worn by miners , straw hat , wooden clogs , so that he could dress his models in them .
20 The light shining through her roughly heaped haycock of hair made it blaze so you might have thought you could warm your hands at it .
21 I enclose a copy of the Job Description and would be grateful if you could give your comments on suitability for the post .
22 I smiled to myself as I let in the clutch and moved off I would stop at the shop and tell the little man that he could collect his pans without the slightest fear of being torn limb from limb , but my overriding emotion was one of relief that I had not cut the sparkle out of the big dog 's life .
23 It is conceivable that OUP could achieve its objectives on its own .
24 Is it because the Labour party feels that it could not convince the people but could achieve its objectives through a centralist bureaucracy in Europe — rather than through argument and persuading its own people ?
25 The better-off farmers could send their sons as fee-payers to endowed grammar schools ( in Thame or in Oxford itself ) ; the gentry could take advantage of the railways and dispatch their sons to boarding-schools further afield .
26 This approach created an environment in which students could present their responses in a personal yet interactive way in an evaluation session which was organised by the Department , but run by two members of staff from the Access Unit .
27 Now , for the 10 per cent of house-buyers who rely on this report , or even the 15 per cent who rely on a mini-survey , that 's fine as far as it goes — and I would not wish to discourage anyone from having a professional survey , or ever advise against one — however , all the surveyors I know would prefer knowledgeable clients who had carried out their own surveys first and could present their results to them for investigation and comment .
28 The Grand Prix title could bring her earnings in just one week to an unprecedented £120,000 nice work for a girl who last year was considering taking up a full-time job because she was struggling to make a living on the Grand Prix circuit .
29 ‘ I could bring your views to the attention of the Vice President in charge of Overseas Operations ’ he added placatingly .
30 Nevertheless , such a post had its drawbacks : the prince could detain his musicians at will , and , on one occasion , Haydn was obliged to drop his patron a heavy hint — in the form of the ‘ Farewell ’ Symphony — that the court orchestra members had been kept away from their families in Vienna for too long .
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