Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [adv] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Data from a Swedish survey were analyzed to see whether socioeconomic and demographic factors , tobacco consumption level or illness could explain why some smokers succeeded in stopping smoking .
2 This could explain why some babies only have colic in the evening , when the morning feed reaches the intestines and the bacteria that live there begin to feed on the undigested lactose .
3 Also , in shortlisting candidates for interview , how widely will governors cast their net , remembering that train fares and an overnight stay could eat up some £100 per head ?
4 In particular , teacher-librarians could describe how some subject areas were making greater use of the library for project-based or topic-based work , and could describe how the library was booked , sometimes on a regular basis , by departments using it in this way .
5 Is there nobody round here listening that can erm that could bring in some Beaujolais Nouv no no little Off Licence that will do this free publicity on the B B C to come in a say , Look I 'm an odd bin or something like that ?
6 A lot of things that I 'd still do here if , if I could whip up some enthusiasm if my husband would , I ca n't , he was a bricklayer , sub contractor and they have knocked this kitchen out about three times since they 've been there , and the last , this last effort , I think they 've put imitation beams in , I have n't seen it , but we think they have and er , oh it 's , you would n't know it 's the same house at all , you would n't know it
7 I suppose I 'll have to use the kitchen , ’ she added , thinking out loud now , ‘ but we could work out some kind of rota .
8 For a start , we could work out some kind of rota for using the kitchen .
9 Include it in that , those twelve weeks because I know it 's , you know , a bit erm I would try and see if I could set up some sex education with the health centre and the , you know , that she used to take them and they went through contraception and condoms and whatever at the , and she used to take them down for an afternoon it might well be that they have to miss a lesson
10 See we we have an awful lot of problems , I mean , not only the question of breaking into one 's home things like , car parking or things of a very high accident risk whereas , if we had a beat officer , at least we could set up some sort of local liaison , in so much that we could tell him about our sort of problems , and perhaps between us , resolve them .
11 ‘ It could take quite some days , ’ the stranger replied .
12 Oh Brenda , it 's no fun , not getting a wink at night — you could end up some kind of insomniac or a nymphomaniac , whatever the correct term is !
13 ’ Archie , I wish I could hold out some hope .
14 ‘ I could put up some sort of valiant struggle for survival . ’
15 Besides , he could pick up some Nazionali from Zen 's tame tobacconist as well .
16 In time Lawless may be confronted by an obvious dilemma , the possibility that his two heavyweights , Mason and Frank Bruno , will be tempted into profitable confrontation , the suggestion being that they could come together some time next summer .
17 ‘ But I 'd really like it if we could get together some time , ’ she bumbles , ‘ and talk about … mmm …
18 Sami Jafaar was confident he could persuade Hamadan to renew his friendship with Younis , and that , between them , they could cook up some pretext to lure Younis out of Lebanon into neutral territory for an FBI snatch .
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