Example sentences of "could [adv] see the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Erlich could only see the soles .
2 The British Trias is almost completely lacking in marine fossils below the Rhaetian , but I maintained that one could nevertheless see the effects of alpine transgressions reflected in our continental sediments .
3 Looking to the north , she could already see the curtains of snow which were sweeping towards them with terrifying speed .
4 I could already see the books piled high in the better shops , garlanded with white slips of praise .
5 But luckily enough I got up and walked round the back and I could just see the lights on in the living room downstairs .
6 Between the block and the house you could just see the walls of the walled garden , flint-built , crossed and coped with brick-work .
7 Jezrael could still see the lights of sunflowers strung out like mercury on rose satin .
8 Nearby , alum has been worked for centuries and we could still see the remains of the old landing stage where little coasters brought brimming vats of urine from London , which was mixed with the local mineral to produce dyestuff fasteners for textiles .
9 Years later , on my last visit to that pioneering control-room , I could still see the marks on the wall where our preliminary broadcast signals were given .
10 The main light was behind him , but I could still see the shadows on his face ; they were more marked than ever , and I had the foolish illusion that I could remove them by stroking them with the tips of my fingers .
11 From her seat she could see the winding road that led up to the elegant gateway of Casa Madrid , and she could even see the sprinklers sending blessed water swirling over the melon and pineapple fields .
12 Through the trees she could sometimes see the roofs of houses .
13 She thought she could almost see the memories and she could certainly hear the echoes .
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