Example sentences of "could [adv] be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was primarily a Display Laugh , something to indicate that she could rise above Henry , but ( this disturbed him somewhat ) at the back of her he caught a glimpse of something that could only be genuine amusement .
2 As friends were now pointing out , that could only be good news .
3 This could only be good news and we were thus able to turn our attention to even remoter areas of the north .
4 Knowing that it could only be bad news , Harry , who had been standing in the doorway , stepped forward and put his arm round Cora-Beth 's shoulders .
5 A few of the clauses in the Declaration appear to have referred to what could only be Whig grievances .
6 This animal crematorium could soon be burning hospital waste , if it 's owner gets his way .
7 The present idiotic trends can not go on forever , and there could soon be drastic changes .
8 They could not be offending the Gruagach , and they especially could not be offending Goibniu the Greediguzzler .
9 When the interviewer , Mr Jeremy Paxman , said he could not be serious Mr Ashdown replied : ‘ I am making very a serious comparison .
10 A visit to a stately home and certainly a game of Monopoly could not be pure fun , divorced from politics .
11 Perhaps they could not be good wives and good mothers because they could not give what they had never had .
12 These hints had their final expression in an astonishing personal letter written by Knox to Mary on 26 October 1559 , claiming that ‘ if it be the office of a very friend to give true and faithful counsel to them whom he sees run to destruction for lack of the same , I could not be proven enemy to your Grace but rather a friend unfeigned ’ — even if moderation was never Knox 's strong suit and so , unable to keep up the quiet tone of the letter , he felt impelled to throw in a postscript : ‘ God move your heart yet in time to consider that ye fight not against man , but against the eternal God , and against his Son Jesus Christ , the only Prince of the kings of the earth . ’
13 In a recent account of these groups of mammalian predator Andrews & Evans ( 1983 ) concluded that the damage to the bone of their small mammal prey was so severe that except in rare and easily recognizable cases they could not be significant agents in the accumulation of small mammal remains .
14 If you look carefully at this table , you will see that the combination of + and — values for each phoneme is different ; if two sounds were represented by exactly the same + 's and — 's , then by definition they could not be different phonemes .
15 In the previous section we have seen how public figures often write about themselves for a variety of reasons — one of which could just be straight-forward self-centredness .
16 At some very high energy , called the grand unification energy , these three forces would all have the same strength and so could just be different aspects of a single force .
17 When he passed through an ivy-clad trellis arch and saw the man he sought , however , raking dead leaves and twigs into an incinerator , he realized how absurd the idea was that they could somehow be twin actors of the same part who had never met on stage till this unscripted moment .
18 Since then , all the display vats in the undercover sales area have been treated the same way , turning what could easily be run-of-the-mill fish transit into a feast for the inquiring eye .
19 There could still be perspectival appearances of objects to points of view even if all sentient life ceased to exist .
20 ‘ It could still be black magic because I 'm damned if I can find a way through the tangle .
21 The use of history to identify a privileged standpoint from which science and religion could always be harmonized runs into trouble for yet another reason .
22 He had asked me whether I felt that I could ever be Prime Minister , and I had answered light-heartedly , ‘ No , because I do my sums with matchsticks ’ .
23 Smaller assessments could also be global ones .
24 There could also be real decline in the 18 to 30 holiday market as the structure of British society changed , with an ageing population , fewer marriages , smaller families , more people living alone and a declining workforce , said Mintel .
25 There could also be well-person clinics .
26 He could also be excellent company , with a fund of stories that he told with an exquisite sense of timing , though such good moments were rare for he preferred to brood savagely over life 's injustices ; the chief of which was the inexplicable existence of Roman Catholics .
27 Many women in their 40s/50s/60s are involved in looking after and nursing ageing parents so it is quite possible that a specified age range of 45 to 65 could also be indirect sex discrimination .
28 Much as she 'd liked Josh , she could n't be sure Marianne was n't right — and if Dane could let her down , then why should n't his playwright friend ?
29 Researchers could n't be sure radon was such a danger until they 'd built up a complete picture .
30 Surely there could n't be other women who delighted in such anguish .
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