Example sentences of "could [adv] [adv] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the European Communities Act 1972 became law each House of Parliament set up a committee to advise on how scrutiny of European legislation could most effectively take place .
2 It was quickly recognised that effective learning could most easily take place when opportunities were created frequently throughout each day , in a relaxed familiar setting and with a trusted companion .
3 In an environment of danger , a touch on the shoulder could so easily mean arrest .
4 For a terrible equation prevailed : that which would ultimately save the human race — the evolution of a higher consciousness — was , in its long and vulnerable gestation , exactly what could so easily destroy humanity by letting it be corrupted , polluted , warped and ruined .
5 It is , moreover , difficult to see how Rifat Efendi could so badly misread Mecdi , whom he virtually copies .
6 Not for the first time , Beth asked herself how she could so readily condemn David for being so weak as to love someone who had treated him in such a callous and despicable manner , when she herself was guilty of the very same weakness !
7 Although this synthesis of ideas has been rightly praised by subsequent historians and political commentators , Mosley came too realize during the later 1920s that such ideas could only partially solve Britain 's economic problems .
8 We tried to identify distant hills , but in the dense heat haze that now hung about us , we could only just see Whernside and Penyghent .
9 The birthrate could only just keep pace .
10 All these characteristics could only ever induce conflict between a family and potential division and so one must remember while reading the play that Mary is not the only one who suffers nor the only cause of anxiety .
11 In another study of migrants in central Wales , Jones ( 1965 ) even went so far as to test all of Ravenstein 's laws , but he could only definitely confirm Laws 1 and 5 , which argue that most migrants only travel a short distance , but that those who do travel further migrate to the great centres of commerce and industry .
12 This criticism was in part a reflection of the call made by the Report of the Committee on Physical Deterioration for greater physical and mental education for adolescents , but it also pointed to the three main criticisms of clubs which were reiterated years later by Freeman : that they could only really provide amusement ; that their positive educational value was small ; and that they failed to reach the mass of boys .
13 In some , e.g. , the United Kingdom and France , judges are permitted to attend ( pursuant either to a declaration under the Convention or other procedures ) but it has been rare for them to do so and they could normally only ask questions with the leave of the court .
14 That being so , there was no reason why the words of section 29(3) should not be given their natural meaning and so read , the power was clearly all-embracing , subject only to the qualification that the Home Secretary could not lawfully require broadcasters to broadcast matter involving them in a breach of their statutory duty .
15 You could not properly take account of my experience of separatism without acknowledging my feelings of being swept away by this sort of fervour .
16 Outside Senegal and the Ivory Coast there was very little press to speak of in the pre-independence period : illiteracy was even higher than in the British territories , and the small , educated élite could not easily sustain newspapers .
17 This man could not easily imagine life without hot water , at least not for people like himself and Alice .
18 And if a developer could not immediately secure rent from premises it builds at the dock , the Private Finance Initiative would provide it in the short-term , until the property market improves .
19 These political charges , such as opposing taxes to Caesar and inciting people to revolt , meant that Pilate could not simply ignore Jesus .
20 A strategic site if it comes forward would be away from the main urban areas and would only be available for developments that could not otherwise take place on the I five allocations .
21 At Altnagelvin Hospital , Londonderry , nursing staff said they could not ethically give information , but details eventually were given after correspondence with the Western Board ;
22 She had her difficulties , too , or she would have been with him by this ; but she was as much the prisoner of circumstances as he , and could not well take ship until she had established a firm and safe regime for her young son .
23 The Irish enforced a ‘ Ban ’ on British sports in the sense that those who wished to play Gaelic football or hurling under the aegis of the Gaelic Athletic Association could not also play football or cricket .
24 I could not even give instructions to a painter .
25 Hells bells ! they could not even spell teem !
26 Forest landowners could not even erect fences or hedges unless they were low enough to allow the deer to enter and leave , consequently crops were often destroyed by them .
27 What can be discounted as nonsense on the other hand is the conclusion drawn by a Soviet historian with regard to the Tambov revolt : ‘ In that period the kulaks ’ political banditry became the most important means of struggle by international imperialism , Antonov could not even make contact with subversive elements in Kursk guberniia , let alone London .
28 I gave one deflection burst from port beam at about 350 yards and one careful stern burst from the same distance , but could not even keep pace with this shallow dive .
29 Like Tom , she could not really see Liza in the role of ministering angel , nor could she imagine her out in all weathers driving a tractor .
30 He claimed Strathclyde could not legally authorise projects it could not afford .
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