Example sentences of "could [adv] have [vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sellers , dressed in brilliant colours , outshone the purchasers , and , instead of welcoming them , either ignored them or were so rude that they could only have hoped to drive them away .
2 It is clear that this " mood " could only have come to dominate the study of English by deflecting the major challenges to its status as a " real discipline " .
3 They believe that , while a person may actually have performed one action , they could nevertheless have chosen to perform another , and devote part of their energy to specifying the sorts of conditions in which such choices are made .
4 Even if your Mr Pegg added the atropine before he put the dish down , he could scarcely have avoided poisoning the Prince of Wales as well . ’
5 There is another aspect to the ancient-astronaut hypothesis : perhaps our remote ancestors could not have survived had it not been for the fact that they were destined to do so .
6 My friend , the student , could not have begun to agree to that , and of course the taxi driver would not have allowed him to .
7 It was an essential element of the cause of action in such circumstances that the governmental plaintiff establish that the public interest would suffer detriment in the absence of a remedy ; ( 9 ) in failing to have proper regard to the legislative purpose of section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 by which Parliament could not have intended to authorise a local authority to bring libel proceedings , a fortiori where it had suffered no actual financial loss ; ( 10 ) having regard to the scale of costs likely to be incurred it could never be in the interests of the inhabitants of the area for the local authority to mount an action for libel in such circumstances , and certainly was not in their interests in the present case where no injury was alleged to the superannuation fund .
8 Secondly , on the broader ground that the legislature could not have intended to give power to a court of summary jurisdiction to control nuisances from such works .
9 Now these and similar comments would require careful scrutiny if the thrust of the argument were to the effect that Parliament could not have intended to establish an inquisitorial régime of this kind in relation to serious or complex fraud alone .
10 ( c ) by arguing that any subsequent inconsistent legislation was inadvertent , that the Westminster Parliament could not have intended to legislate in a manner conflicting with community obligations and that the " bounden duty of the courts would then be to give effect to community law " Macarthys v. Smith ( C.A. , 1979 ) .
11 However great the risks of parting with one 's collection , Gould could not have hoped to carry with him from Hobart the enormous quantities of skins , skeletons , eggs , nests , plants , and seeds he had amassed .
12 No Englishman could now have presented himself in Vienna without attracting the attention of the Grand Army , and with his accent he could not have hoped to pass for Austrian .
13 She could not have borne to watch Betty sleazily slicing bread in her dressing-gown .
14 If she were Oliver , she could not have borne to look her father in the face .
15 But as they walked into the dining room , which can accommodate up to 450 guests , their eyes could not have failed to take in the splendour of it all .
16 At last he turned to her and he could not have failed to see the anguish in her eyes .
17 Memories of the marathon " sew-in " before she left home for the International Youth Congress could not have failed to bring a smile to Eva 's lips , or those of her sisters , if they could have seen her stitching away patiently and efficiently on a hand-driven sewing machine .
18 She could not have failed to hear them .
19 A year ago , I could not have contemplated saying that a machine of these specifications was within the grasp of the individual .
20 However , the Ombudsman found that the UK and Gibraltar funds were closely linked and that , if the Department had moved swiftly enough to revoke the UK licence , the Gibraltar fund could not have continued to exist .
21 The availability of legal aid to those unable to afford to pursue their legal rights in the courts made a practical reality of the access to justice to many who could not have afforded to do so .
22 It is of course true that there are parallels to certain of these ideas in Greek and Roman philosophies , in Eastern religions , in the writings of mystics and in eighteenth-century sublime poetry , and well-read and inquiring students like Wordsworth and Coleridge could not have avoided hearing about them .
23 For he could not have had to look far for whatever it might be , there had been no time for that .
24 ‘ Or he could just have wished to have an excuse for placing men near the chateau to keep us under closer observation .
25 But , oddly enough , Harriet had never held it against Tom who , after all , could easily have elected to cancel or postpone their plans .
26 One , or both , of them could easily have opted to give Daine a hot lead push and taken the operation over .
27 Eliot borrowed from it for The Waste Land , thus making it permanently famous ; Pound could not have known of it in 1911 , but if he had then visited the Templars ' cavern-church in Aubeterre he could hardly have failed to remember it in the light of jessie Weston 's argument .
28 Petitions from communities , or common petitions , were few in Edward 's reign , and though they may have derived something from the example of clerical grievances , they could hardly have failed to have developed from private petitions .
29 I could hardly have expected to hear a complete stranger making such a blatant and … and totally unwarranted assassination of my character .
30 I do n't think we could ever have made Caring for People work when the CPNs were here in the hospital and the social workers were 10 miles away in Retford . ’
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