Example sentences of "could [adv] [be] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The committee became so unnerved at the thought that the club premises might be under threat that when I said I knew how to deal with these bounders , but it could only be as chairman , they swallowed it hook , line and sinker .
2 If the Ketterings had wanted another family to stand in for them , it could only be for recognition by someone they wished to avoid or who might be a danger to them .
3 I could only be of help . ’
4 I consider that it could only be of assistance to them if they had that foundation with which to commence their overview of the requirements of the case and the discharge of their statutory duty under the Children Act 1989 .
5 And he still filled it , but now it could only be with regret for the enormity of her mistakes .
6 Only gradually did it dawn on those responsible that vigorous and determined nationalist organizations had grown up in the shadow of the Japanese , that these movements had flourished exceedingly in the vacuum left by the collapse of Japanese power , and that if the colonial regimes were to be reconstituted it could only be by force .
7 He has been grooming his son Kim Jong-il for the succession , but the latter does not enjoy his father 's authority and a power struggle could already be under way .
8 HELP could soon be at hand for Britain 's 500,000 stammerers .
9 But , with the help of the Scottish Prison Service , an improvement in conditions for Latvia 's 8,000 prisoners could soon be under way .
10 Black gold could soon be within striking distance .
11 Black gold could soon be within striking distance .
12 In the climate of the Third Reich itself , it goes without saying that the barrage of Nazi propaganda could not be without effect in extending and deepening already prevalent anti-Semitic attitudes .
13 In the case of the atom , this meant that in its lowest energy state the electron could not be at rest in the nucleus because , in that case , its position would be exactly defined ( at the nucleus ) and its velocity would also be exactly defined ( to be zero ) .
14 Unfortunately the outgoing Master Fellow , could not be at conference because of the serious illness of her sister , so the installation was conducted by her predecessor , .
15 She could not be to Pen as Minnie was to Miss Arabel since there was a mother in between but she had a great desire to see her former charge treat her as freely when he reached manhood .
16 Surely , surely Pegg could not be in pursuit of Araminta ?
17 Every time a concrete suggestion was made that they agreed on , someone would point out that the system , policy , or financial information just requested was already in place or something similar could easily be in place .
18 ‘ Having spent the Vigour of my Youth and Genius under the Oppression of Sir Joshua & his Gang of Cunning Hired Knaves Without Employment & as much as could possibly be Without Bread , the Reader must Expect to Read in all my Remarks on these Books Nothing but Indignation and Resentment . ’
19 Rye should furnish the topography , so that no one who knew Rye could possibly be in doubt where the scene was laid , and I would call it Tilling because Rye has its river , the Tillingham .
20 It may be that Wilfrid 's personal support could still be of assistance to an aspiring aetheling , but it is interesting that Eadwulf spurned Wilfrid 's overtures .
21 ‘ Sir , I think you could still be of assistance .
22 Neil Kinnock , according to both ITN and the BBC , could still be at Number 10 tomorrow .
23 There is some similarity between these issues , particularly when it is borne in mind that the theist does not regard God as a supra-terrestrial object for whose existence or non-existence no earthly observations could conceivably be of relevance .
24 The policy document suggested here could also be of use in this regard , by facilitating local discussion and thus helping to keep the development effort in line with the wishes and aspirations of the people .
25 Further investigations about somatostatin in this field could also be of interest .
26 Although there are particular occupational groups who have always been at risk , such as sewer workers , miners , farm workers and slaughterhouse workers , the working population and residents of the new London Dockland system could also be at risk .
27 His position as a member of the Football League Management Committee could also be under threat .
28 Indespension could also be in trouble were they not to pick up some crumbs from their engagements with Menzieshill and MIM .
29 This is the outer layer of the tent designed to protect you from the elements , usually wind and rain , but it could also be from heat .
30 The manner of the defeat and the Forest fans ' reaction to it signalled that after 18 trophy-filled years under Brian Clough , the club could really be in trouble .
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