Example sentences of "could [verb] [noun pl] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Rohan obviously felt he could make plans for his own future , at last .
2 He could make concessions to his allies and all would be well so long as they did not come into conflict with one another .
3 And when he learned their numbers , he could seek reinforcements for his five hundred from over the Border , from the castle garrison , even from Dunbar .
4 He could feel fingers on his brow .
5 Rain could see things from his perspective .
6 I had a mate who could crack peanuts between his knees , which was an enormous asset if you had a girl with you .
7 Hitch maintained he could stop buses with his head ( and frequently did ) .
8 Apart from predictable duties , like that of sitting through a performance of The Family Reunion ( a play for which he now had little affection ) , he was asked to crown the Swedish snow queen at the winter festival : he told Robert Giroux that he had hoped this might be combined with the Nobel ceremony itself , so that he could wear ice-skates with his tails .
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