Example sentences of "could [verb] [noun] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anderson believes the TV deal with Warner Brothers could make Cole another £100,000 .
2 He was good and could win beer that way .
3 ( As ‘ an old Latin scholar ’ , he was appalled that people could mangle words that way . )
4 It may be that this analysis could show universities those regions where particular methodologies , previously untried , may yield useful new information .
5 The Houses of Parliament were ‘ a disgrace to the country ’ and he could bring Palmerston another delegation supporting a ‘ Grecian building ’ .
6 The SD station at nearby Friedberg noted that people were ‘ convinced that the fall of Stalingrad could take place any day ’ , even if with a presumed heavy toll of German lives .
7 Earlier in the day the spokesman had forecast that talks of some form could take place this week after the first week of the strike produced nothing in the way of dialogue .
8 By the time Roirbak had reached his workbench and had sat down to ponder over whether he could pay Jahsaxa enough compensation to drop Crevecoeur and why he should want to do that for anyone anyway , Mellissa the receptionist fluted her chimes over his commset .
9 Profits could reach £10m this year — implying a multiple of almost 30 at 93p — and even that might prove over-optimistic under a Labour government .
10 For a moment , he wished he could tell Elinor these things .
11 See if there 's something down here that you could read we could play schools this afternoon .
12 Only the thought of Araminta could cheer Auguste this afternoon .
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