Example sentences of "its [adj] [noun] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 It was easy to keep promising that some sun and heat would work its usual miracle but it had been a hard , cold winter and almost everyone had suffered from influenza , Mrs Browning worst of all .
2 It soon recovers its stable position if it is pushed to one side or the other .
3 It had its posh end and it had its rough end and it had that strange indeterminate bit in the middle that was neither , but had the pretensions and failings of both .
4 This would not only reduce its political significance but it would allow for yearly increases ( though broadcasters have been quick to point out that the general rate of inflation is below the industry 's rate and so an increase would still leave a shortfall which can only be made up by savings ) .
5 WASHINGTON — The Soviet Union risked an ‘ inflationary disintegration ’ of its economic reforms unless it moved rapidly to a convertible rouble backed by gold , according to Wayne Angell , a governor of the US Federal Reserve , writes John Lichfield .
6 The weight of the lorry , see the lorry weighs something itself so its total weight when it 's got its load on is eight hundred plus a hundred times the number of engines on it .
7 This business is now 8pc of its total sales and it is investing £20m in a new plant .
8 A local council can spend more than its total guideline if it finances more from sales than the government assumes .
9 As a further carrot , Centre Re might give the firm a ‘ profit share ’ : a bit of its premium back if it makes no claim .
10 Each proprietary brand of locator has its accompanying transmitter and it must be said that in all four instances these work better if you use the manufacturer 's pairing rather than permutating among the ones available .
11 The supreme joy of Keld is the river , hurrying in a mad rush from its desolate beginnings as it thrashes through a channel it has carved in the limestone in a series of cascades and waterfalls .
12 THE name of the current month shows in its Latin origins that it used to be the 10th month of the year , not the 12th .
13 If the corners are fixed and immoveable , then the square will appear to maintain its rigid shape until it bursts .
14 Using early documentary evidence , Olive Geddes guides the reader expertly through the first four centuries of the sport , shedding light on its birth , the techniques and equipment used , and above all , its social standing as it began to develop from an outlawed activity to the world 's most internationally popular game .
15 Although people sometimes think of unemployment as having lots of leisure , in fact leisure only has its real meaning when it 's set against work .
16 ‘ The freedom to travel independently is taken for granted by most of us and only assumes its real importance when it is limited or even removed , ’ said a spokesman .
17 There is disintegration when no common morality is observed , and history shows that the loosening of moral bonds is often the first stage of disintegration , so that society is justified in taking the same steps to preserve its moral code as it does to preserve its Government and other essential institutions .
18 That furthers its cuddly image and it is offensive to no other mammal .
19 The US still wants its verbal support because it is cover for American policy in the Middle East , but that 's all it is .
20 This may have held great promise in its early years but it soon became divided and then fragmented , due largely , if not wholly to the same age-old misconception whereby the basis of the religion is the assumption of the existence of a completely undefined ‘ god ’ , in this case the ancient ‘ god ’ of the Jews .
21 With drinking dishes , however , the smell of the detergent is simply added to the already unpleasant odour of the treated water , with the result that the cat will only drink from its official dish if it has no alternative .
22 We looked in vain in Siemens AG 's first half report on Monday for any mention of its Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG computer subsidiary , and with all the dreadful economic news coming out of Germany , it began to assume the air of the dog that did n't bark : Siemens said of its overall business that it did not show any revival in the first half , and that continued economic decline affected domestic business and led to a decline in incoming orders , and there was no recovery in its foreign business ; laying it on with a trowel , Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's leading economic advisor was quoted on Tuesday as saying that German workers failed to recognise the danger of high wages in a time of recession , and that German products were too expensive for world markets as wage increases outpaced growth in productivity , and earlier , Siemens Nixdorf had had to rebut a magazine report that its losses would be even worse this year , saying that it was certain that its results would improve this fiscal year ; the article , in Manager Magazin , also said that Siemens was looking for a replacement for Siemens Nixdorf management board chairman Hans-Dieter Wiedig , and added that plans to reduce the workforce to 41,000 by 1995 from 47,200 at the end of February could well be accelerated .
23 The van slewed wildly , but kept travelling , smoke appearing from its rear tyres as it swerved and skidded back towards the exit .
24 The Treasury , moreover , suffered a setback in its endeavour to recover its pre-war importance because it had failed to predict the convertibility crisis .
25 Tiny three-dimensional holograms formed and faded in the air above the set , each figure giving its brief report before it vanished .
26 They 're about this big and you squeeze its little paw and it plays a Christmas tune
27 The agreement will ensure that the Adelaide will fully retain its Protestant ethos when it is merged with two other Dublin hospitals , the Meath and the National Children 's Hospital , in a new hospital in the rapidly-expanding suburb of Tallaght .
28 I will grow my hair out to its natural colour until it falls long and lank about my shoulders , allow my skin to fade to a startling winter white .
29 The news that ICL Plc is to acquire Warrington , Cheshire-based Technology Holdings Plc for a maximum of £40m seems to set the seal on the success of the management buyout team at what used to be the distribution arm of MBS Plc — a business that MBS top management felt was such a drain on its corporate resources that it could n't wait to let the company go .
30 society will win the ability to freely determine its national existence when it has the ability to determine its political being and the conditions of its creation .
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