Example sentences of "some have [vb pp] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the apparent decisiveness of Adenauer 's foreign policy , therefore , some have argued that there lay a fundamental ambivalence at the bottom of it , symbolised by the choice of his home town , Bonn , as the new capital : it represented Western orientation all right but , at the same time , it was very obviously only a provisional arrangement .
2 Some have argued that there is a distinctive and relatively homogeneous middle class ; others that the middle class as such does not exist .
3 This , however , is not generally recognised and with the advent of the National Curriculum some have argued that there will be even less scope for innovation .
4 Any such claim would therefore have to be framed in terms of the interest theory ; yet , as even the advocates of such an approach admit ( Campbell , 1985 , p. 20 ) this involves open-ended and controversial issues as to which interests deserve protection , and some have argued that it leads to a disintegration of any distinctive or effective notion of a right ( Simmonds , 1985 ) .
5 While few serious historians have defended Communist excesses , some have argued that it was only the strategy in whose name they were committed that enabled the Republic to fight on for as long as it did .
6 The paradox is that while mathematics appears to be based on axioms rather than empirical knowledge ( although some have argued that it is rooted ultimately in the ‘ one-twoness ’ of things ) , it has nevertheless turned out to be remarkably fruitful in enabling us to understand the physical and to a lesser extent social world ; it is as if we had invented a game which turned out to be real .
7 Some have suggested that his appointment at Berlin was the result of a compromise by the orchestra , an attempt to secure someone as far removed from Karajan in character , musical and personal , as the world could offer .
8 Some have suggested that there are daily rhythms which mirror those of mental performance but which are not as difficult to measure or as prone to interference , and they come up with old standbys , body temperature and adrenalin .
9 Most groups say that their patients are not conscious of the stimuli but some have reported that their patients are conscious of them ( Barbur et al.
10 Some have predicted that it will cause a series of bad winters ; but studies at the University of East Anglia give cause for optimism
11 The ‘ vehicle ’ is footsteered and some have claimed that it has helped their gybing tremendously .
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