Example sentences of "some [adj] [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 There is some varietal difference in the severity of the effects , but reports suggest this is localised and there is no apparent consistency .
2 I take a cocktail and some assorted nuts in the bar to re-civilise myself .
3 ‘ I really did n't want to come here ; I 've had some awful experiences in the Caribbean . ’
4 Like the rest of Britain 's youth he was determined to go if war came , and John and he had some awful rows in the house about it .
5 The reason is not clear , but must be the result of some subtle change in the genetic information in the nucleus .
6 One other consequence of a fresh gradation of sexual offences might be that they would cease to be gender-specific : there are some strange inconsistencies in the law at present , and it is not at all difficult to draft offences which might be committed by males or females against males or females .
7 Due to the circumstances of the original build , there are some strange anomalies in the plan , but the courtyard remains a key part of the design , much enjoyed by visitors in the summer , sitting under a fine specimen walnut tree .
8 While the spread of degree subjects varies a good deal among institutions within each sector , one can see some broad differences in the overall pattern .
9 Nevertheless , levity is sometimes difficult to resist , for there are occasions when even the most solemn and serious student of legislation is compelled to the conclusion either that Parliament has gone off its collective head or that the parliamentary draftsman was drunk , demented or determined to perpetrate ( and perpetuate ) some private joke in the well-founded hope that it would not be spotted until it was too late .
10 Lord Winster , the new Minister of Civil Aviation , wrote in an annex to Addison 's paper that the government should retain at least some private investment in the airlines to profit from their interest and experience .
11 It seems that the system of central planning , adopted after the Communist Party took power in 1948 , did bring some economic progress in the 1950s and even into the 1960s .
12 An obligation to file an answer to an originating application only arises if there is some specific provision in the rules relating to that particular application , or if the court so orders .
13 If you are looking for models there are some specific examples in the guide .
14 Its interpretation is vague , having some specific interpretations in the context of renewable resources such as fisheries , wildlife and forestry , and more general , philosophic and political implications .
15 Somewhere in the far regions of her mind a voice was screaming warnings , but she closed her ears to it , as if some insidious substance in the night air had rendered her brain oblivious to reason .
16 Some eternal quality in the atmosphere seized me and I stood silent , listening to dogs barking distantly in the hills .
17 Of course the regular men they were kept on or when if it was a rainy day when they could n't go out and just do some odd jobs in the building say , when it was a a rainy day .
18 I recently visited my relatives in Morecambe and took the opportunity to do some fell walking in the Lakes .
19 Nothing in it suggests even that he is aware of pursuing some covert stratagem in the battle .
20 Thus it was , that at some momentous point in the immensity of time there came into being three initial units which can be taken as the true beginning of the story of earthly life .
21 It was n't an act of vanity , or even a professional kind of analysis ; it was more with the unease of a person who picks up something familiar and finds that , at some unrealised point in the recent past , it has somehow been exchanged for the property of a stranger .
22 In my ignorance , I had never heard of this extraordinary saga , and I did indeed spend some absorbing time in the church learning something about it .
23 In October 1889 , the British Government became determined not to allow any threat to the British strategical supremacy in South Africa , and that led to the outbreak of another Boer War , which included some humiliating defeats in the initial stages and the two great sieges at Ladysmith and Mafeking which were finally relieved in 1900 .
24 Computer-assisted learning , although it has made only some fitful progress in the past twenty years , will also feature prominently in education .
25 You need to have done 50 hard winter climbs , climbed some classic routes in the Alps — normally 3,000ft long , and be able to ski at a reasonable parallel level both on an off piste .
26 The Information Office of the DP noted that there were some weak points in the Cabinet : " …
27 We ordered them while on holiday there last Summer : an enforced break from the building — but we managed some fabulous flying in the sun whilst we were away .
28 Some hapless dog in the street would start to limp , a bedridden cripple might wake , racked beyond endurance , and start to whimper for morphia .
29 Morrison only completed some light running in the morning session at the army camp on a pitch which could have doubled as a minefield such were the undulations and mini-lagoons lying in wait for the unsuspecting .
30 There is some civic pride in the buildings in the centre of Abingdon — the old county hall — now a museum — was designed with the help of Christopher Wren .
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