Example sentences of "some [adj] [noun pl] of his " in BNC.

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1 Chesney Wold is supposedly based upon Rockingham Castle ( Fig. 12a ) , a mainly Elizabethan house within its Norman walls , where Dickens had spent some pleasant periods of his life when staying with his friends , the Watsons .
2 Mothers who dreamed fondly of a white wedding , a handsome bridegroom and grandchildren soon on the scene , may find that their daughter is planning to marry a man her father 's age , who has an ex-wife and some teenage children of his own .
3 From this ‘ kind of contemplation ’ , says Hobbes , has ‘ sprung that part of philosophy which is called geometry ’ ; and he gives some detailed results of his own geometrical contemplations ( including an attempt to square the circle ) in the second and third parts of De Corpore .
4 It was approaching the end of the season , of course , but he intended to make a first flying visit to Aphrodisias , where some old friends of his were at work , and then to spend the winter on research in libraries and museums , and have the whole of the following summer for field work .
5 With Wayne Rosing off to run FirstPerson , Dave Ditzel has been named acting head of Sun Microsystems Laboratories , an appointment it 'd be crazy not to make permanent : Ditzel , among his other credits , has been responsible for RISC and we 're expecting to see some interesting aspects of his handiwork soon ; Sun Labs , from whence Sun 's ideas flow , figures it 's handling the transfer of research to development better than practically anyone in the industry — the secret is moving the people with the project .
6 Thanks to his hobby some splendid pictures of his son and daughter 's early life were preserved — on their tricycles , walking through the local park , playing with their cousins , skating and skiing , and some more imposing ones of them with the grown-ups — getting into the car while Kerry the chauffeur holds the door open ; looking very serious with the uncles and aunts , their mother appearing to be taken up with the idea of not being photographed with them !
7 He considered some serious reversals of his policies , and declared his son Henry VI King of Germany and King of the Romans .
8 His complete acceptance of the ‘ protest ’ in ‘ Protestant ’ did not come till a few years later when some leading members of his Mount Merrion , Belfast , congregation insisted that he object to the Church 's ‘ street corner boy ’ activities of picketing the Irish Presbyterian Church General Assembly .
9 So he found them a tiny cottage just south of Orvieto , in the grounds of the villa of some Italian friends of his who had departed for the northern mountains , a villa with a pool and a shady veranda along one side and an unspeakably romantic view down the steep hillside towards the floating cathedral .
10 He took to hiding some secret supplies of his own in his desk .
11 Books of reference that state that he was born in 1885 in Devon are mistaken , as they are about some other features of his career .
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