Example sentences of "some [prep] those [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Er we have n't spent a lot of time talking about some of those things today but it 's all been done .
2 Some of those pigments presumably behaved in the way that melanin behaves in human skin , absorbing solar energy , disposing of it through the body as heat .
3 She spoke of some of those investments now , in particular some of her land investments in Texas , which her American advisers were counselling her to sell .
4 The budget made some of those schemes more attractive and , hopefully , Esops will be adopted to meet expected extra demand .
5 A new relationship has begun , with the most momentous consequences for life , and we are going to look at some of those consequences soon .
6 ‘ Did you see some of those swings yesterday ? ’ he asked .
7 We might ask to hear some of those sounds again in a minute .
8 They also observed that for some of those youngsters subsequently the change of direction brought only short-lived renaissance of interest and motivation before the same boredom and lack of achievement returned .
9 And do you think you can manage some broccoli and some of those peppers please ?
10 Yes that 's pretty near the truth being nasty to you now Do you want to have some of those chipsticks then ?
11 not the woman with three there 's another woman that 's got two , I do n't know her , she comes round with some of those envelopes sometimes
12 Again any sort of comments on some of those tactics there ?
13 Let's summarise some of those issues now .
14 some of those , some of those yachts there
15 ‘ Perhaps he needs some of those drops again , Thorny .
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