Example sentences of "some [noun sg] to [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was looking for some short-cut to getting a complete description of who you are .
2 Although many look forward with uncertainty and some apprehension to joining a battalion , all display a supreme contentment and relief that the rigours of basic training have been mastered .
3 While the Environment Protection Act will go some way to addressing the situation it does not seem to take into account those owners who will not care if their dog is impounded and destroyed and certainly will not pay to save it .
4 This statement goes some way to addressing the recommendations in section 9 [ 9.1.2 ]
5 The whole anthem affair has been dealt with and the minute 's silence at Newlands went some way to repairing the damage of Ellis Park .
6 But through sensitive playing and a warm humorous script by Bennett , the play went some way to portraying the normality of life with a daughter who is ‘ not quite right ’ .
7 It would have been impossible to predict the way events developed after October 1917 , and the policy of the Party seemed on numerous grounds to be the most sensible , the only one which went some way to reconciling the need for large economic units ( which , rightly or wrongly , was assumed to be decisive for material progress ) and for democracy , understood as the right of peoples to choose their own State .
8 Grants , trust money and corporate giving will go to some way to meeting the bill but support from individuals will play a very important part .
9 The Boards ' lines of defence against this — replacement costs were hypothetical and difficult to estimate , tax complications might follow — read like a weary defence of the status quo , but the Ministry did in the end accept that their creation of special ad hoc depreciation reserves did go some way to meeting the point .
10 Although we accept the Government 's recent concessions go some way to meeting the concerns expressed at second reading , we believe an additional amendment is crucial .
11 Coun Bill Dixon ( Lab ) , chairman of the committee , said he was delighted to be involved in a scheme which will go some way to easing the town 's critical housing shortage .
12 Germany 's First Air Force , by Peter Kiduff , goes some way to redressing the balance with the story of the German Air Force during World War One .
13 On the one hand , setting and enforcing more adequate levels of child support goes some way to redressing the balance of the current situation where the costs of supporting children fall almost entirely on the mother .
14 ‘ The Comp ’ goes some way to redressing the balance .
15 It is hoped that this chapter goes some way to redressing the balance : relative prices do matter in the General Theory , though they do not adjust in the manner suggested by the classical writers and by their monetarist/new classical descendants .
16 However , Jim Turle , the director of communications at Lang brothers , said that while Mr Lamont had gone some way to redressing the balance , he had by no means levelled the playing field .
17 This booklet goes some way to providing a resource .
18 While English law has gone some way to providing a reasons requirement there are still significant gaps .
19 In masochism the energy is directed on to the ego , not an object , where the ego is itself libidinized as in narcissism. rn this way Freud had moved some way to producing a new synthesis of the three dichotomies : ego instincts , and sexual instincts ; ego and object choices within one set of instincts only , the sexual instincts ; and , finally , the life instincts ( sexual ) and the death instincts .
20 Sterling 's suspension from the Exchange Rate Mechanism restored freedom of manoeuvre to the Chancellor , who then celebrated this by going some way to dismantling the interest rates whose exaggerated level was needed to keep sterling in touch with the DM within the ERM .
21 As recorded by Fredegar , the Byzantine link , with the emperor Maurice , is chronologically impossible , but the presence of vast quantities of Byzantine coin in Childeric 's grave goes some way to supporting the idea that he did have support from the eastern Empire .
22 Does my right hon. Friend envisage the creation of a Territorial Army element in the Household Division , which would go some way to alleviating the greatly increased overstretch that the 40 per cent .
23 They will go at least some way to removing the bottleneck .
24 the philosophy and objectives of the 1981 Education Act , which went some way to implementing the Warnock recommendations , are not much in evidence in the latest legislation .
25 The leaders of Mali , Niger , Libya and Algeria , at a summit hosted by the Algerians in the town of Djanet on Sept. 8-9 , agreed that a joint ministerial committee would address " the resettlement of the concerned peoples and their integration " , and went some way to defusing the tension over Malian accusations that Libya was arming and training the Tuaregs .
26 The experimental rig that will be built at the UKAEA 's Harwell base is , ironically , called ACHILLES , The NII agrees that recent work in Canada , West Germany and the United States has gone some way to showing the likely scale of the ballooning effect .
27 The Great Detective , for all that he figures in mere detective stories , is a figure to parallel with the great poet and the great scientist because in solving the sort of genuinely baffling mystery that confronts him , in fact he goes some way to solving a yet greater mystery , the mystery of the human personality .
28 The examination is a collection of questions and individually a question goes some way to satisfying the requirements of the examination .
29 This last-minute addition went some way to satisfying the psychiatric lobby who had pressed for continuing health authority control .
30 The initial committee appointed to consider the terms on which to offer William and Mary the Crown , which contained a Whig majority of twenty-eight to twelve , drew up a list of twenty-eight Heads of Grievances which , if all remedied , would have gone some way to satisfying the radicals ' desires .
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