Example sentences of "one of the [adv] important " in BNC.

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1 More than that , it was ‘ one of the most important classical art forgeries ever discovered ’ .
2 One of the most important changes in pub design during this period was in the plan .
3 Bedford Park is regarded as the first Garden Suburb in England , and thus has an international importance , while Shaw is one of the most important architects of the Victorian period , best known as the designer of the old New Scotland Yard building on the London Embankment .
4 Formed in 1984 , ‘ Working Title ’ achieved their breakthrough with ‘ MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE ’ , one of the most important films in the British cinema renaissance of the mid-Eighties .
5 There are many personal reasons for choosing a rose and for me , scent is one of the most important .
6 Drainage is one of the most important features of your soil .
7 Skill is one of the most important elements in the champion 's make-up , because if he ca n't perform the right technique at the right time and in the right way , he will never make it to the winner 's rostrum .
8 As already mentioned , choosing patio doors that suit your house is one of the most important points to consider .
9 When Ian Paisley calls the Pope ‘ the Antichrist ’ , he is not just picking a choice term of abuse from the Bible , but referring back to what was once the mainstream Protestant and Anglican belief that the papacy does play one of the most important parts in sacred history and the Romans are absolutely mistaken about which .
10 One of the most important uses of the car is the journey to work .
11 ONE of the most important wage claims in the pay round was submitted yesterday when leaders of Ford 's 33,000 manual workers called for a double figure increase .
12 The shop , established in 1934 and now run by the founder 's grandsons , is undoubtedly one of the most important delicatessens in the country , vast in its range of goods and uncompromising in its quality .
13 One of the most important factors for governments and forecasters will be how much money young and middle-aged people save for their old age while they are earning .
14 In December they had three different interpretations of the Gross Domestic Product , which is one of the most important figures for macro-economists .
15 One of the most important variables which structures the operation of discretion is whether the offender shows ‘ the right attitude ’ .
16 Good relations with the community are one of the most important prerequisites to the successful discharge of a policeman 's duty and it is incumbent upon all members to avail of every opportunity to help reconcile and heal the visions in the community .
17 Of the few central beliefs uniting the various post-structuralisms ( and connecting them with post/modernism ) this is one of the most important : human identity is to be seen as constituted as well as constitutive ; constituted ( not determined ) by , for example , the pre-existing structures of language and ideology , and by the material conditions of human existence .
18 The enduring appeal of the Conservatives is undoubtedly one of the most important political phenomena of the twentieth century : and yet both the party as an institution and the nature of British Conservatism remain relatively under-studied .
19 One of the most important aspects is that we saw ourselves as town traders — that magical area where buyer and seller come together .
20 This conclusion enables Engels to make again one of the most important point in The German Ideology .
21 This is still seen as one of the most important events in the history of mankind .
22 Painting was from the beginning one of the most important instruments of conquest in the sphere of thinking , the mind .
23 Even then , old habits died hard , and at Wakefield , Yorkshire , one of the most important grain markets outside London , the milling soke was not finally abolished until 1853 .
24 However , one of the most important decisions he has yet to make will determine the fate of the group 's involvement in Aviemore , frequently referred to as ‘ Stakisville ’ thanks to its ownership of three hotels and the Aviemore Centre itself .
25 The Woodland Trust is dedicated to protecting one of the most important features of Britain 's heritage — our native broadleaved woodland .
26 Therefore , how we decide to use our oceans and waterways in future is probably one of the most important choices for this particular generation .
27 One of the most important provisions for raising public confidence promised in the bill was the registers of licences and pollution control for each area .
28 ‘ It 's one of the most important projects we have for the 1990s , ’ says Philip Goldsmith , head of Earth observation at the European Space Agency .
29 Weekend Guardian Tomorrow With events in Eastern Europe throwing much of contemporary political ideology into turmoil , the French philosopher Andre Gorz — whom Le Monde calls ‘ one of the most important thinkers of our time ’ — blends the ideas of the Greens and of the uprisings in East Germany and Czechoslovakia to map out a ‘ third way ’ politics for the 21st century , in defiance of socialism and capitalism .
30 Mr De Haan , who is also chairman of Saga , said the group could not enjoy one of the most important advantages of being publicly quoted — using its shares to fund acquisitions — because the family was determined not to dilute its controlling interest .
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