Example sentences of "one [prep] many [Wh pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To give the poor lad his due , he 's only one of many who 've done the same .
2 Sir Walter Scott was one of many who wrote to offer sympathy , enclosing a small sum which might stop a leak in a vessel .
3 I am one of many who saw the appointment of Dr Carey as Archbishop of Canterbury as a prophetic choice for England .
4 Outside the courts , however , Pontius Pilate has been but one of many who have claimed , more or less sincerely , not to know what truth is .
5 The great Croat writer , the late Miroslav Krleža , in his Ballade Petrice Kerempuha , written in the kajkavski dialect of the Zagreb region , was one of many who drew inspiration from the terrible events of 1573 .
6 If you had been an out-of-work farm hand near Inverness , or near Dumfries , why might you have been one of many who moved to Glasgow in the last century ?
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