Example sentences of "one [prep] [pron] [verb] an " in BNC.

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1 Two senior research officers at the Home Office were also invited , and one of them made an excellent contribution .
2 At least six lived on well into their nineties , every one of them sharing an absolute hatred of old age .
3 This word can convey several meanings but one of them expresses an inner state of mind so torn between various options that it can not make up its mind .
4 One of them had an intestinal perforation and required surgery .
5 He imagined a full-page , black and white photo of two barechested men ( their chests shaved ) , photographed in daylight , walking down the street , gazing squarely at the camera , holding hands , one of them holding an alsatian straining at a leather leash .
6 Yet every month , only one of them releases an ovum ; the other holds back .
7 Next came four schoolboys , one of them carrying an open copy of the Koran placed upon a kind of platform of palm-sticks and covered with an embroidered kerchief .
8 There is a badly eroded sculpted tympanum and Chrisme above the doorway , here supported by angels , and some splendid capitals in the interior , one of them showing an elephant ( at a guess ) with a tongue that reaches to the ground ; as well as candy-striped , cruciform piers .
9 ‘ You can not go out at night without one of them making an obscene remark or getting his tackle out .
10 The dramatic account of how one of them survived an IRA ‘ barrack buster ’ mortar blitz is printed exclusively in this newspaper today .
11 One of you got an A B C !
12 ‘ The nice thing about keeping it small and knowing each other well is that it 's very flexible ; if one of us has an emergency it does n't create problems or ill-feeling . ’
13 But seated half-way down one side of the table and with no one opposite her sat an old lady .
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