Example sentences of "one [noun sg] why the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Those firms that rely heavily on subcontracting though , do have a vested interest in offering at least some protection to their main suppliers and this is one reason why the small firm sector has survived .
2 Evidence of popular agrarian-nationalism is one reason why the rural community was later identified as being a major support of ultranationalism and aggression .
3 One reason why the poorest endure unemployment longest is that their share of the job market is shrinking , while those from higher social groups confront radically different job prospects .
4 These hand-outs are one reason why the sluggish reformers in the CIS have not yet issued their own currencies .
5 One reason why the modern reader has difficulty with a positive evaluation of the term ‘ national prejudices ’ is that , in the twentieth century , prejudice has taken on a substantive meaning .
6 The environmental movement was too short-lived to ensure the rigid implementation of the 1970 Clean Air Act and this is one reason why the Clean Air Act was subsequently relaxed and weakened during the 1970s .
7 The sulphur effect , therefore , could be one reason why the northern hemisphere , which produces most of the world 's sulphur pollution , has not warmed despite the release of greenhouse gases .
8 That is one reason why the Italian Radical party spent $200,000 of its fat state subsidies on organising the new international anti-prohibition league .
9 That 's one reason why the whole enterprise was abandoned in 1926 .
10 This was one reason why the British , still hoping to maintain their own influence in world affairs , joined with France , Belgium , Holland and Luxembourg in the Brussels defence pact of March 1948 .
11 One reason why the ideological premises of grammar so often remain hidden is that linguists deny their existence .
12 A recognition of the need to maintain that sector and through it the full diversity of recorded music in Britain is one reason why the last few years has seen a new interest in the record industry from public bodies concerned with culture and with employment .
13 Jean-Claude Hirel , the head of the government 's electronics division , cites the lack of spending as one reason why the previous electronics plans went wrong .
14 This is one reason why the Yugoslav government has tried to avoid raising the price of foreign exchange .
15 This may have been one reason why the national body was , in the first instance , entitled the Committee for Local Authority Higher education and presumably why its membership includes a representative from the Association of Principals of Colleges , a body broadly representative of those further education establishments other than polytechnics and colleges and institutes of higher education .
16 This is one reason why the crackling sound of the geiger counter has become such a potent symbol of the dangers .
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