Example sentences of "her [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I pinched her withers and she did n't complain … it had to be something else .
2 She wanted to check on some of her cultures before they left the building , so they went up to the third floor and along a corridor lined with rooms numbered for experimentation and behavioural study .
3 She approached her employers because she had decided she would like to set up her own business .
4 Now he pretended to be waving his cape at the bull and executed a neat veronica , then she kicked her leg up backwards and touched her heel with her fingers while he looked scornfully on with one hand behind his back palm facing outwards .
5 This generous man with guinea-gold hair had come into her life so unexpectedly , but she just knew that like a guinea he would slip through her fingers before she had a chance to know him better .
6 ’ He reached out to touch her fingers where they rested on the table .
7 Then the flames licked at her fingers and she dropped what was left of True Love at her high-heeled feet .
8 The heavy panels gave way at last beneath her fingers and she lurched out on to the terrace , crossed it , then raced over the wide sweep of lawn .
9 A shudder ran through him at the touch of her fingers and he drew her closer , crushing her against the powerful length of his body so that she could feel his heart thundering against her breast .
10 His mouth smothered hers again and she was aware of his taut , hard body lying across her own pliant form , aware of the roughness of his chest , the sculptured contours of muscle that rippled through her fingers as they clutched and stroked at his skin .
11 Crouched in the shadows , Scathach watched , but his eyes were on Tallis , not on her fingers as they moved swiftly over the charm .
12 She watched him through her fingers as he went down the garden and bent over the hole .
13 In the kitchen , as she heard the sound of the car driving away , she slumped on to a stool , her long hair spilling over her fingers as she dropped her head into her hands with a heavy groan .
14 Julie could see the tears in her eyes as she re-read the sheet of paper , touching her dead husband 's name with her fingers as she read .
15 Philippa had taken her black kerchief off and twisted it around her fingers as she sat at Lee 's feet .
16 ‘ Yes , thanks , ’ Polly said over her shoulder , mentally crossing her fingers as she headed in the opposite direction towards her own cabin in the bow .
17 ‘ I know where every bone in a chicken is , ’ she once told me , licking her fingers as she removed the umpteenth .
18 She had drawn her lips back over her teeth while she cried , rocking herself backwards and forwards in the seat .
19 Ellen Jebeau brought her lips tightly together and drew them inwards between her teeth before she said , with deep bitterness , ‘ I do n't know about it being a time for plain speaking , I can only say that time has shown your ingratitude for what I 've done for you over the years . ’
20 She almost crunches through her teeth when she says that .
21 She clung to the front of her costume , gritting her teeth as he widened the circle of massage , smoothing the cream over her shoulders and down towards the small of her back .
22 It made her howl with bitterness when she was alone in the weeks that followed , and it made her grit her teeth as she strode through the streets looking for revenge , or for her baby , or for Dorothy , not too sure what she was looking for but usually coming home with nothing better than a bag of old tins .
23 Only the unfeeling Moor was left to succour her and she gritted her teeth as she began to climb a rocky incline , refusing to think about the future .
24 Hunting through her case for some lightweight shoes , and wondering if she could get away without having to wear any stockings , she gritted her teeth as she heard her name being called from the other room .
25 She gritted her teeth as she watched him swing the flexible whip between her legs .
26 Mr Hobbs gave her back her teeth and she shot me a desperate little smile .
27 She caught the ring at last between her teeth and he tickled her until she laughed and gave it up .
28 If the truth were known , he had only acceded to her wishes because it took him away from her , allowing him access to libraries , bookshops and students of all races and creeds — many of them Irish .
29 Her husband took her back to Lynne where , unaccountably to the reader , since she had paid all her debts before she left for Jerusalem , she found herself heavily in debt .
30 She bust her moorings and she belted into the coal-tips , ready for loading .
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