Example sentences of "her [noun pl] [adv] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Her fingers never reached his dark , arrogant and angry face .
2 Then she drew him up to her , and lowered her own head to take him in her mouth , her tongue darting out in tender forays at the base of his penis , stroking his belly with her hair as her teeth gently nibbled his manhood .
3 He helped the girl down very deliberately — well aware of Burkett 's calculating and approving regard — and as his fingers pressed on that tensile waist , as her free breasts brushed his over-layered chest , as her thighs carelessly kissed his own , he saw a break in the tight-capped cloud of his misery : but he could not reach out to it .
4 She glanced back down the path and then leaned forward so that her lips almost touched his ear .
5 His fingers tightened slightly on hers , bringing her eyes up to meet his steady gaze .
6 Her eyes never left his face .
7 But her eyes never left his face , and he turned from her and marched from the room .
8 Seb guided Anna to a chair and sat her down , but instead of releasing his hand immediately she pulled him to her and her hand went up to his face , her finger-tips gently assessing his injuries .
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